Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic threadworms, most of which live in the soil and feed on plant roots. The Nematode Assay laboratory analyzes soil and plant material for the presence of plant-parasitic nematodes. Results and recommendations may be used to increase crop yields, save on pesticide costs and minimize runoff of harmful chemicals into surface or ground waters. A nematode assay can:
- predict a nematode problem on a specific crop for an upcoming season
- diagnose an existing nematode problem
- suggest appropriate management strategies
The Agronomic Division accepts nematode assay samples from both individual growers and research institutions. Select the submission process that best describes your operation. If you are uncertain about your submission category, please contact the laboratory Section Chief or Agronomist.
Frequently Asked Questions

After harvest in the fall
October-November (usually 2 weeks) December – February (4-8 weeks)
yellowing, dying, dying patches
Just make sure to brush/knock off the soil in between samples
Go to our Field Services page. Click on the county you are from and that will give you the contact information for a Regional Agronomist assigned to your area.