Information for Applicants

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Notes For Applicants

Cycle 17 General Information

The application window for Cycle 17 opened on Monday, October 9th, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. The deadline for applications is Monday, December 18th, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

Please note: All applicants for conservation easements, agricultural development projects, and agricultural plans must be non-profit conservation organizations or county agencies, per N.C.G.S.106-744. Farmers, landowners, and others interested in applying must partner with a non-profit conservation organization or county agency to participate in an ADFP Trust Fund grant proposal.

No Beehive Grant Fund applications will be accepted this year. For apiary-related questions, contact the Apiary Services section of the Plant Industry Division.

Formsite log-in notes

  • All applicants must use the New User link to create a login when first entering the portals. Your log-ins from years prior will not work. Once you save you may return to work on your application at a later time using the Returning User link underneath the new-user fields.
  • Usernames do not automatically cross over between the different grant application types. You must go through the process of creating a new account for each one, but a helpful trick is to create each one with the same user names and passwords. 

If you have questions about eligibility or the application process, please contact Corey Hoilman at 919-707-3069 or

Application Documents

Cycle 17 Frequently Asked Questions

Tab/Accordion Items