Structural Pest Control and Pesticides - Pollinators - Beekeepers


Pollinator Health


What NCDA&CS is Doing

Designated Pollinator Habitat

How You Can Help


Coordinating with other agencies and organizations to develop a N.C. Pollinator Protection Plan

The Plant Industry Division oversees beneficial insects, including inspecting honeybees, apiary registration, and other Apiary Services.

The Agronomic Division helps farmers improve management of land to maintain effective habitat areas.

With funding from Syngenta, our 18 Research Stations are planting pollinator habitats using a variety of farm-friendly flowering crops. N.C. State University researchers are working on best practices for these habitats.

The N.C. Forest Service has pollinator gardens and wildlife food plots at many NC state educational forests and are working to find ways to support even more pollinators.

Structural Pest Control and Pesticides is supporting Beewatch and FieldWatch to help connect farmers and beekeepers.

Bees and farms need each other. It’s that simple.

Bees on Blueberries

Bees need the habitat and food found on North Carolina’s rich agricultural lands.

Farmers need the pollination services provided by these avid pollinators to grow up to a third of the crops that we produce.

To provide a safe and healthy environment for these important agricultural workers, beekeepers and farmers need to open up lines of communication that will allow all parties to make informed decisions that will protect and better serve bees and other pollinators.

Working together, we can create a healthier environment for pollinators and help keep agriculture North Carolina’s No. 1 industry.

Make Connections to Protect Pollinators

Bee and Polygon Design 1

The best way to ensure protection of honey bees in regions where pesticides are used is to ensure effective communication between beekeepers and farmers. Fostering strong communication is the basis of a successful relationship.

Beekeepers and farmers with operations in close proximity are encouraged to have an open dialogue and should know one another’s name and pertinent contact information. 

For questions or if additional assistance is required, please contact the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section at 984-236-4575.       Directions 

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