Investments in the Future – Ensuring Farmers, agribusinesses and the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services have the resources to continue growing and supporting the state’s $111.1 billion agriculture and agribusiness industry.


Farmland Preservation – Ensuring natural resources to grow food and fiber:

  • Nearly $60 million invested in grants since 2006, preserving 36,000 acres of farmland
  • Latest round of investment is $18.2 million; 20 new conservation easements on 1,392 acres
  • Stretching our state dollars through our partnership with the military, 23 conservation easements totaling over 13,000 acres have been recorded around military bases.
  • An additional 2,886 acres of privately-owned farms and forests Id’d as priority for military training are under contract. Project value for these conservation easements totals $5.8 million, with over $3.5 million in federal funds.
NC Forever Farms logo

N.C. Forest Service – Ensuring crews are prepared to respond to protect forestland and property and work with landowners

  • Gained over $12 million in budget increases following its move to NCDA&CS in 2012 as the need to upgrade aging equipment, add facilities at educational state forests and make long-needed repairs to work areas were prioritized in legislative requests. FY 2012 budget: $35.8 million; today's budget: $56 million
  • New forest-focused construction projects/investments since 2016:
    • Mountain Island Educational State Forest -- $30. 6 million
    • New regional headquarters in Duplin County -- $13 million
    • New County offices -- $7 million
    • Improvements at DuPont State Recreational Forest -- $4.2 million
    • New equipment shelters -- $550,000
    • Griffith Warehouse -- $750,000
    • Public restrooms at Guion Farms and Hooker Falls -- $1.8 million
    • Replaced four aircraft  (fixed wing and helicopter) -- $8.6 million
picture of six yellow aircraft


  • Hemlock Restoration Initiative
    • $1 million, 5-year partnership agreement with WNC Communities renewed
    • 206 Hemlock Conservation Areas established
    • 138,000 hemlocks chemically treated
    • 130,000 hemlock seedlings produced for sale
    • 7,916 trees treated through landowner education efforts
people treating hemlocks

Soil and Water Conservation

  • StRAP funds – Streamflow Rehabilitation Assistance Program
    • $58 million invested in stream debris removal to help mitigate flooding; $38 million first round of funding; $20 million in second round.
StRAP logo

Farmers, agribusiness and processors: Growing opportunities and increasing food security and local access for consumers

  • IMPEC – Increasing Meat Production and Expanding Capacity grants
    • $44 million investment in four stages to 77 small meat and seafood processing facilities
    • Red meat and seafood processing capacity increased by over 40 % to provide local consumers access to local proteins
    • significant improvements to a to through investments in upgrading equipment have been An additional 2,886 acres of privately-owned farms and forests ID’d as a priority for military training has been contracted through the department’s ADFPTF. Project value for these conservation easements totals $5.8 million, with over $3.5 million in federal funds.
workers in a seafood processing facility
  • NCAMPI – N.C. Agricultural Manufacturing and Processing Initiative working to expand local value-added opportunities for produce, meat and dairy products.
    • $12.4 million invested in expanding eight current food manufacturing and processing operations to increase value-added goods and products manufactured in the state.
    • Projects leveraged an additional $63.4 million in private investment in North Carolina.
    • Gives farmers and growers more options close by for processing and distribution.
GTBNC logo
  • RFSI – Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure program
    • Investing $6.2 million in small agribusinesses to strengthen the middle of the food supply chain.
    • Grants for equipment and infrastructure projects 

Animal Welfare Section – Enforcing the Animal Welfare and its rules for animal shelters, boarding kennels, pet shops and Certified Euthanasia Technicians

Animal Welfare  
  • Pet overpopulation remains a societal and community challenge.
  • Working with counties to combat pet overpopulation through spay/neuter funds; $300,000 to $350,000.
  • Awarded a total of $250,000 in county grants to help local animal shelters come into compliance with Animal Welfare rules.
  • Inspects 203 N.C. animal shelters, 742 AWS-licensed boarding facilities and 14 AWS-licensed pet shops. Also, trains, registers and re-certifies 572 AWS-registered CETs.
  • Investigates complaints at regulated facilities.
  • Does not have regulatory authority over backyard breeders, commercial breeders, animal cruelty, source of pets in pet shops or livestock.