
Agricultural Finance Authority

The North Carolina Agricultural Finance Authority (NCAFA) was established by the North Carolina General Assembly to provide credit throughout North Carolina at affordable interest rates and terms for investment in agriculture within the financial means of persons engaged in agricultural production and exports. We originate, service and finance loans for persons operating family sized units for agricultural production and agricultural exports. Our mission applies to all aspects of agriculture: farming, processing, manufacturing, and exporting.
Phone: (919)  664-1740

Agricultural Statistics

The Agricultural Statistics Division collects, prepares and disseminates a regular series of official crop, livestock and price estimates, along with other statistics relative to agriculture in North Carolina and the nation. 
Phone: (919) 707-3333

Agronomic Services

The Agronomic Services Division analyzes soil samples, plant, solution and irrigation water samples, and animal, municipal and industrial wastes. Recommendations made by these services are designed to improve production efficiency and protect natural resources. Regional agronomists help growers solve field problems and implement recommendations. 
Phone: (919)  664-1600 | Staff directory

Budget & Finance

Budget and Finance is responsible for all business affairs of the N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. 
Phone: (919) 707-3030

Emergency Programs

The mission of the Emergency Programs Division is to reduce the vulnerability and minimize the impact from, any natural or man-made disaster, disease outbreak or terrorist attack for the NCDA&CS, the people, and agricultural interest of North Carolina, and to facilitate a rapid return to normalcy. 
Phone: (919) 807-4300 | Staff directory

Environmental Programs

Environmental Programs advises the Commissioner of Agriculture, Chief Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture on environmental related issues associated with agriculture and agribusiness. Environmental Programs staff serves as public advocates of North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services environmental policies as departmental representatives on various governmental and public advisory boards representing agricultural interests. 
Phone: (919) 707-3070

Farmland Preservation

The Farmland Preservation Division's mission is to preserve working farms and forests throughout North Carolina and foster the growth, development, and sustainability of family farms. The Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation (ADFP) Trust Fund is the primary program inside the division. The ADFP Trust Fund supports North Carolina's agricultural economy by providing grants to county governments and non-profit organizations for conservation easements, local agricultural growth zones, agricultural development projects, and agricultural plans.
Phone: (919) 707-3071 | Staff directory

Food Distribution

The Food Distribution Division requisitions, stores and distributes U.S. Department of Agriculture donated foods. The division distributes these products to primary and secondary schools, private schools, charitable institutions and needy households. 
Phone:  (919) 964-6110

Food and Drug Protection

The Food and Drug Protection Division assures consumers that foods, feeds, drugs, cosmetics, and automotive antifreezes are safe, wholesome and properly labeled. Statewide inspections and chemical analyses offer protection against unsafe, deceptive and fraudulent products. 
Phone:  (984) 236-4820 | Main contacts

Human Resources Office

The Human Resources Office is responsible for providing support to the department's divisions in all areas of personnel administration. 
Phone: (919) 707-3200


The Marketing Division promotes the sale of North Carolina agricultural products, develops and expands markets, reports farm market prices for commodities, determines and certifies official grades of farm products.  Administers Farm Products Marketing and Branding Law.  Operates regional farmers markets in Asheville, Charlotte, Colfax and Raleigh. 
Phone: (919) 707-3100

Meat and Poultry Inspection

The Meat and Poultry Inspection Division enforces state and federal laws designed to ensure the meat and poultry products sent into commerce are wholesome, unadulterated, and properly labeled. The division inspects meat and poultry processing facilities and business that wholesale meat and poultry products. 
Phone: (919) 707-3180

NC Forest Service

Our Mission is to develop, protect, and manage the multiple resources of North Carolina's forests through professional stewardship, enhancing the quality of life for our citizens while ensuring the continuity of these vital resources. 
Phone:   (919) 857-4801 | Main contacts

NC State Fair

Each October, people of all ages congregate in Raleigh to participate in one of the largest agricultural fairs in the United States. Exhibits as well as livestock competitions and entertainment draw both rural and urban crowds. During non-fair time, fair buildings and grounds are rented to provide capital to operate the fairgrounds at a break-even point and to fund ground improvements. 
Phone: (919) 821-7400 | Staff directory

Plant Industry

The Plant Industry Division examines fertilizer and seed for accurate labeling and product quality. Seeds are tested for germination and purity. The division also administers plant pest laws. It also administers the Plant Conservation Program, inspects plant nurseries and honeybees, and conducts biological pest control programs. 
Phone: (919) 707-3730 | Staff directory

Property and Construction

The Property and Construction Division is responsible for providing support to all of the Department's divisions in the areas of Property and Construction. 
Phone: (919) 807-4368 | Staff directory

Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Division is responsible for disseminating pertinent information to the public through news releases and other media contacts. It is also responsible for publishing The Agricultural Review, a monthly agricultural newspaper sent to 70,000 subscribers. 
Phone: (919) 707-3001 | Staff directory

Research Stations

The Research Stations Division maintains and supervises 18 research stations (twelve owned by NCDA&CS, six owned by NC State University).  Research station personnel cooperate with scientists at land-grant universities to develop new agronomic products, improve livestock and poultry breeds, and develop better management practices. 
Phone: (919) 707-3236 | Main contacts

Small Farms

The Small Farms Ag Policy section within General Administration provides services to small, limited-resource and minority farmers who are traditionally underserved. These services are provided through outreach and education to assist this audience in making informed decisions and providing advocacy for those who do not have a voice. 
Phone: (919) 707-3068 | Staff directory

Soil and Water Conservation

The Soil and Water Conservation Division works in cooperation with the Soil and Water Conservation Commission to protect and improve soil and water resources throughout the state. 
Phone: (919) 707-3770 | Staff directory


The Standards Division is responsible for testing all commercial weighing and measuring devices to ensure their accuracy; checking packages to ensure they contain the stated net contents; testing motor fuels for compliance with guaranteed quality specifications; inspecting LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia installations for compliance with safety codes; and providing precision mass, volume, temperature and length standard calibrations. 
Phone: (984) 236-4750 | Staff directory

Structural Pest Control & Pesticides

The Structural Pest Control And Pesticides Division protects public health and safety by regulating the pesticide and pest control industry. The division licenses commercial operators and administers laws governing the industry. Pest control treatments are inspected to prevent deception, fraud and unfair trade practices and to assure high quality workmanship.  Staff directory
Structural Pest Control Section: (984) 236-4625  | Pesticides Section: (984) 236-4575


The Veterinary Division protects the health of the state's livestock and poultry population through the administration of regulatory animal health programs and its diagnostic laboratory system. Responsibilities include the surveillance, monitoring, control, and eradication of diseases; regulation of animal movements; inspections and testing on the farm and at markets and sales; providing diagnostic laboratory service to owners and their veterinarians; and conducting regulatory disease testing to facilitate interstate and export movement of animals and food products. 
Phone: (919) 707-3250

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