SVG Soil and Water Districts Landowners must partner with a conservation nonprofit or county government to apply for conservation easement funding. Find your local Soil and Water District here. SVG Cooperative Extension Service Offices Cooperative Extension offices are filled with knowledgeable people and a host of resources that can assist landowners. Some offices are also responsible for administering the Voluntary Agricultural District program for their county. Find your local Cooperative Extension Service office here. SVG Land Trust Finder Landowners must partner with a conservation nonprofit or county government to apply for conservation easement funding. Find your local land trust here. SVG Tool for Environmental, Agricultural and Military (TEAM) Reporting Click here to find your property and potential programs to meet your conservation goals. SVG Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Interactive Map This tool allows landowners and other partners to view publicly available DoD data (e.g., military installation boundaries, military training routes, special use airspace) alongside pertinent environmental and land use information from external partners. This data can be useful during the easement planning process. SVG NCDA&CS ADFP Trust Fund Conservation Easement Viewer View a map of recorded conservation easements funded by the ADFP Trust Fund. SVG 16 Steps to Conservation Easement Acquisition The road to a conservation easement is a multi-year process. SVG Conserving Working Lands Handbook Need some help creating a plan for preserving your farm or forest? This publication provided by NC State University and NC Sentinel Landscape Partnership can help you get started. SVG Conservation Tax Incentives This document provided by the Land Trust Alliance outlines tax incentives tied to conservation easements.