Bladen Lakes Management Objectives
- Effective integration of sound forest management practices while promoting good forest stewardship.
- Increase forest value through efficient harvesting of renewable resources, while protecting and maintaining natural and cultural resources.
- Ensure post-harvest reforestation through natural and artificial regeneration techniques.
- To maintain sound wildlife management practices with assistance from the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission.
- To serve as a model for sound and innovative management practices.
- To provide research sites to universities and other scientific agencies to further the science of multiple use forestry.
- To utilize the forest for training for Division, university, and other agency uses.
Forest Products
At BLSF you will find a multitude of different forest types and ages from over 100 year old natural stands to actively managed plantations in all age classes. This type of management creates many different landscape features and produces a wide variety of forest products. Timber is used in sawmills, paper mills and energy producing facilities. Pine straw is raked for use in landscaping. We also generate income through the sales of charcoal, produced with scrub timber from cleaning pine straw stands. We accomplish reforestation with local and site specific tree species either by natural regeneration or by planting young seedlings, which are obtained from our N.C. Forest Service nursery. In addition to traditional forest products, such as sawtimber, pulpwood, poles and posts. The following link also highlights a number of special forest products that are sold but is by no means an exhaustive forest products and their derivatives list!