N.C. Forest Service - Links
If you find a broken link, please let us know by sending us an email. Links listed below are gathered by NCFS Program Coordinators, however these are in no way to be construed as an endorsement from the N.C. Forest Service.
USDA Forest Service: The USDA Forest Service manages public lands in national forests and grasslands.
Alabama Forestry Commission: The Alabama Forestry Commission is committed to protecting and sustaining the state's forest resources.
Arkansas Forestry Division: The Arkansas Forestry Division protects Arkansas’s forests, and those who enjoy them, from wildland fire and natural hazards while promoting rural and urban forest health, stewardship, development, and conservation for all generations of Arkansans.
Florida Forest Service: The Florida Forest Service consists of more than 1250 dedicated employees with the mission to protect and manage the forest resources of Florida.
Georgia Forestry Commission: The Georgia Forest Commission provides leadership, service, and education in the protection and conservation of Georgia's forest resources.
Kentucky Division of Forestry: The Kentucky Division of Forestry protects, conserves and enhances the forest resources of the Commonwealth through a public informed of the environmental, social and economic importance of these resources, offering a variety of programs and services ranging from landowner assistance and master logger training to forest health protection and wildland fire management. The division is also involved in the operation of tree seedling nurseries, urban and community forestry assistance, forest resource utilization and forestry education.
Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry: The Department of Agriculture & Forestry is responsible for adminstering many of the programs and enforcing the regulations that impact every aspect of the state's agriculure and forestry.
Mississippi Forestry Commission: The commission provides active leadership in forest protection, forest management, forest inventory and effective forest information distribution, necessary for Mississippi's sustainable forest-based economy.
Oklahoma Forestry Services: Oklahoma Forestry Services is dedicated to the conservation, management and protection of the state’s valuable natural resources, providing technical assistance to individuals and communities throughout the state and suppressing wildland fire in all 77 counties.
Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources: The Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources protects, conserves and manages the natural and environmental resources of the Country In a balanced way, to guarantee the next generations their enjoyment and to stimulate a better quality of life.
South Carolina Forestry Commission: The South Carolina Forestry Commission protects, promotes, nurtures, and enhances the forestlands of South Carolina
Southern Group of State Foresters: The Southern Group of State Foresters provides leadership in sustaining the economic, environmental and social benefits of the South's forests, and work to identify and address existing and emerging issues and challenges that are important to southern forests and citizens.
Tennessee Division of Forestry: The Tennessee Division of Forestry protects forest lands from fire, educates loggers and landowners about integrating environmental protection into their timber harvesting operations and controls major insect outbreaks.
Texas A&M Forest Service: The Texas Forest Service is mandated by law to "assume direction of all forest interests and all matters pertaining to forestry within the jurisdiction of the state."
U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture – Division of Forestry: The US Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture’s (VIDA) Forestry Division has been providing services to private forest landowners, and to community groups involved with forestry projects, since 1998.
Virginia Department of Forestry: The mission of the Virginia Department of Forestry is to protect and develop healthy, sustainable forest resources.
National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC): in Boise, Idaho, includes the nation's primary logistical support center for wildland fire suppression. The center is home to federal wildland fire experts in fields as diverse as fire ecology, fire behavior, technology, aviation and weather.
National Incident Management Situation Report: Fires and acres reported to the National Interagency Coordination Center are for operational uses. Official totals may be obtained from agencies directly.
FireWise: Information about wildfire and fire preparedness. A wealth of useful information for homeowners in fire-prone areas.
GEOMAC (Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination): Online national fire mapping tool.
The North Carolina Prescribed Fire Council: The mission of the North Carolina Prescribed Fire Council is to foster cooperation among all parties in North Carolina with an interest or stake in prescribed fire.
Department of Forestry & Environmental Resources, NC State University: Information for Prospective Students, Current Students, Graduate Students, Researchers, Industry. Information on Teaching, Continuing Education, Extension...
Forestry & Environmental Outreach Program: With the support of the Department of Forestry at NC State University's College of Natural Resources, the Forestry Educational Outreach Program provides continuing forestry and natural resource education to professionals, landowners, public and private land managers, and all the citizens of North Carolina and beyond.
Department of Forest Biomaterials, NC State University: Provides education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in wood and paper science; to generate knowledge and develop new technologies through research and to conduct a variety of extension and continuing education services for the purpose of improving the utilization of forest resources for enhanced productivity and quality of life.
Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment: The Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University is designed to train environmental professionals--those who will work within the private and public sector to sustain the environment, and those who will work within academic and other research institutions to understand the human impact on our planet.
Haywood Community College: The Forest Management Technology curriculum is designed to help students acquire technical knowledge, understanding, and abilities essential in developing, conserving, and utilizing forest resources.
Montgomery Community College: The Forest Management Technology curriculum is designed to help students acquire technical knowledge, understanding, and abilities essential in developing, conserving, and utilizing forest resources.
Wayne Community College: The Forest Management Technology curriculum is designed to help students acquire technical knowledge, understanding, and abilities essential in developing, conserving, and utilizing forest resources.
Southeastern Community College: The Forest Management Technology degree program at SCC focuses on developing the skills necessary to inventory and manage forest, water, wildlife and soil resources. Students will spend mornings in a classroom setting for lecture periods. In the afternoon, students spend lab time working on the school's contracted management lands, public lands or on forest industry lands. Some of the high technology equipment used in the Forestry Department includes: Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning Systems and hand held data collectors. Graduates obtain jobs in private industry and government organizations.
College Foundation of North Carolina, Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Career Clusters: College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) is a free service of the State of North Carolina that helps students plan, apply, and pay for college. CFNC is a partnership of Pathways, the N.C. State Education Assistance Authority, and College Foundation, Inc.
Project Learning Tree: is an award-winning, interdisciplinary environmental education program for educators working with students in PreK through grade 12. PLT helps students gain awareness and knowledge of the natural and built environment, their place within it, as well as their responsibility for it (National Project Learning Tree).
NC Cooperative Extension (Extension Forestry): Helping people put knowledge to work.
Natural Resources Leadership Institute: The Natural Resources Leadership Institute is a training program administered through the NC Cooperative Extension Service at NC State University. The Institute is the first of its kind in the country to provide a structured leadership curriculum for people who are critically involved in natural resources management and policy.
22 Benefits of Street Trees: A report by Dan Burden.
Arbor Day Foundation: Recognition programs such as Tree City USA, Tree Campus USA, Tree Line USA, Tree Health Care Campus USA and Tree Campus K-12 USA and tree planting programs.
Healthy Trees Healthy Lives: Lean how trees directly benefit human health.
ITree Tools: Information about, and tools to calculate the ecosystem services of trees and urban forests
Southern Group of State Foresters Urban Forestry
Trees Are Good: Tree care information and link to find International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborists.
Alliance for Community Trees: Dedicated to urban and community tree planting.
NC Urban Forest Council:The North Carolina Urban Forest Council consists of individuals, citizen groups, nonprofit organizations, businesses and agencies from around the state that share an interest in community and urban forestry.
Urban Forestry South: "Urban Forestry South" USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station – Urban forestry management information.
Vibrant Cities Lab: Information on the benefits of trees and urban forests and tools for communities to develop sustainable urban and community forestry programs.
The American Tree Farm System: "The American Tree Farm System®(ATFS), a program of the American Forest Foundation's Center for Family Forests, is committed to sustaining forests, watershed and healthy habitats through the power of private stewardship."
National Agroforestry Center: Agroforestry combines agriculture and forestry technologies to create more integrated, diverse, productive, profitable, healthy and sustainable land-use systems.
American Farmland Trust: "ATF works to stop the loss of productive farmland and to promote farming practices that lead to a healthy environment."
Partners in Flight: Combining the resources of private and public organizations in the effort to conserve North and South America's bird populations.
The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker as an Asset: Creating Community Benefits from Habitat Restoration Describes the partnership approach to the habitat restoration effort for the Red-cockaded woodpecker.
Land Trust Alliance: Through an array of programs, the Land Trust Alliance promotes voluntary land conservation throughout the nation.
The Nature Conservancy, North Carolina Chapter: Working to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.
Association of Consulting Foresters of America, Inc.: National consulting forestry organization setting and maintaining the standard for the profession.
ForestryUSA: "...provides quick access to all the Internet sites of the federal and state governments, the forest industries, service and supply companies, associations and NGOs, consultants, education and research, forestry news, employment opportunities, and much more."
NC Association of Professional Loggers, Inc: A non-profit corporation organized to promote professionalism and business opportunities for logging members and the entire forest products network that logging supports.
NC Board of Registration for Foresters: Information on the Board, its members, code of ethics for NC Foresters and state statutes by which they must abide.
NC Forestry Association: The NCFA, the state's oldest conservation organization, was established in 1911. Today it is a private, nonprofit partnership of more than 4,000 forest managers, landowners, mill operators, loggers, furniture manufacturers, educators and others concerned about the long-term health and productivity of the state's forest resources and the industries they support.
Society of American Foresters: "The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in the United States." North Carolina Chapter.
The USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station: The Southern Research Station, with headquarters located in western North Carolina, is the leading organization for research on natural resource management and sustainability in the Southern United States.
The National Timber Tax Website: A reference source for timberland owners, accountants, attorneys, consulting foresters and other professionals who work closely with timberland owners.
Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research: "The Coweeta LTER research program centers on the effects of disturbance and environmental gradients on biogeochemical cycling, and the underlying watershed ecosystem processes that regulate and respond to those cycles."
NCSU Water Quality Group: "The North Carolina State University (NCSU) Water Quality Group is a multidisciplinary team that analyzes and conducts natural resource management programs with an emphasis on nonpoint source (NPS) pollution policy, assessment, and control technologies."
Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI): "The University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) was established in 1964 to meet North Carolina's water research needs. It is one of 54 state water institutes that were authorized by the Water Resources Research Act of 1964 to administer and promote federal/state partnerships in research and information transfer on water-related issues."
NC Division of Water Resources: "DWQ's mission is to preserve, protect and enhance North Carolina's water and groundwater resources through quality monitoring programs, efficient permitting, responsible management, fair and effective enforcement and excellence in public service."
EPA Forestry Oriented NPS Requirements: Discusses programs enacted specifically for the purpose of controlling NPS pollution, and the recent extension of state stormwater permitting programs, state agricultural incentive programs, and state forestry programs into the area of enforceable controls.
EPA Forestry Web Links: Includes EPA and non-EPA web sites.
US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington NC District: "Our mission, in service to our nation, is to provide North Carolina and the Virginia Roanoke River Basin Water Resource and Navigation Project Development, Management,and Integration; Environmental Remediation and Restoration; Regulatory Permitting, Enforcement, and Coordination; and Emergency Response, Recovery, and Mitigation."
NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund: "Created in 1996, the Clean Water Management Trust Fund makes grants to local governments, state agencies and conservation non-profits to help finance projects that specifically address water pollution problems."
The Cradle of Forestry: Historic site within Pisgah National Forest with interactive exhibit hall, activities, camping, and conservation education.
The Forest History Society: "...the only organization on the planet dedicated to preserving forest and conservation history." Headquartered in Durham, N.C.
National Forest Health Monitoring Program: This site provides information on forest health monitoring surveys nationwide
Bugwood: This site provides images and information about insects and invasive species that threaten forest ecosystems.
USDA Forest Service - Forest Health Protection: A part of the State and Private Forestry Deputy Area of the USDA Forest Service
This page was last modified on 01/09/2025