Every event is different and the Rules and Regulations cannot conceivably cover every possible scenario. All matters, rules, regulations or deviations not expressly provided for herein shall be decided upon by HHC management. Our sole effort is to ensure the success of your event and provide a safe and positive experience of all our visitors. We know that you will appreciate our efforts.
Tab/Accordion Items
- Show management will take all precautions and reasonable steps necessary to ensure the safety of the public, exhibitors and animals.
- Judged equine shows using stalls are allowed two move-in days and one move-out day. All other shows and equine shows not using stalls are allowed one move-in and one move-out day. Any additional days will be charged at half rate.
- Any vehicles and/or trailers associated with a show are to follow the same move-in and move-out schedules. Any vehicle arriving early or staying after these dates cannot reside in their commercial spot.
- Show promoters are responsible for vendor needs, support services and liability. Any equipment or services used by a vendor/concessionaire will be billed to the promoter.
- Vendors/Concessionaires are show-specific and are to adhere to the same move-in and move-out policies of the show with which they are affiliated. The promoter must provide HHC with proof of liability insurance from all vendors/concessionaires. In addition, HHC must be provided with proper documentation from the health department for any vendor/concessionaire sampling or selling prepared food.
- Any vendors/concessionaires that stay between shows will be charged for days outside of the move-in/move-out schedule. This will be charged as a camping fee for each space occupied anywhere on State Fair property.
- Keys for the Show Office and Conference Room may be signed out from HHC management at move-in. Each key not returned at move-out time at the end of the show will be subject to a $250 fee.
- Show Office in Main Arena is provided for use by the promoter during their show. All office equipment and supplies necessary to run the show is the responsibility of the promoter.
- HHC staff will conduct a stall count and review with show management. All stalls used will be charged.
- HHC is not responsible for anything left behind at the conclusion of a show. All decorations or signs left at the HHC after your event will be considered trash. Any decorations or signs that you want to save must be removed and taken with you upon departure.
- Payment for the use of the facility and additional services will be paid by the registrant to the show promoter in full on the last day of the show. The promoter will pay all HHC invoices within 15 days of invoice date.
- Approval for a return date is based on show performance including adherence to rules and on-time payment.
- All rules and policies are based on existing space and facilities. For shows requiring extra space that necessitates expanding the current accommodations, additional overages or charges may be applied.
- All horses must have a current, negative EIA/Coggins test. All other animals shall be free of infections and/or contagious disease, confirmed by a veterinarian’s current health certificate.
- Horses should stay within the arenas, barns, rings and pads. Horses are not allowed in the paved parking lot or in the RV park.
- Washing or bathing of horses is to be done in designated wash areas only, located inside Barn B or outside between Barn B and middle ring.
- No overnight horses may be stabled in trailers or tied out.
- Horses are not allowed to be tied or led by any moving vehicle.
- Smoking and the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or vaping) are prohibited in the main arena, dining and office areas and all barns.
- All shavings used must be purchased from an approved vendor.
- Barn aisles and doorways must remain clear and passable at all times. Stall guards on each stall door must be closed and latched when unattended.
- No nails, screws, staples or fixtures may be installed in any building including stalls. Shows will be charged for removal and any damages that result from their use.
- Manure is to be placed in designated receptacles only. No cleaning of trailers in the parking lots.
- Medical waste shall be placed in the receptacles located in the center of each barn (on end of barn in Barn F).
- For stalled events barn must be 50% occupied before utilizing additional barn. If less than 50% utilized, show will be charged for 50%.
- Stalls shall be occupied overnight by horses only.
- No cooking or open flames are allowed in the barn areas; this includes no grills (gas or charcoal), deep fryers or smokers. A crockpot is allowed, directly plugged into wall outlet.
- No gas heaters are allowed in the barn area and any electric heaters must be directly plugged into wall outlet, be equiped with a tip-over safety switch and used only within the walkways, not in the stalls or near combustible materials.
- No material may be added to the arena footing or any ring on the grounds.
- Arena equipment for preparing the footing will be supplied by the facility.
- Smoking and the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or vaping) are prohibited in the main arena, dining and office areas and all barns.
- No fireworks or ignited materials may be used anywhere at HHC. In addition, no open flames or open flame devices are allowed.
- No helium filled balloons or items may be used in the main arena.
- No LP/Propane or any type of compressed gas tanks may be used inside the arena.
- All trash should be placed in the containers provided around the complex. No littering on the grounds.
- No glass containers or bottles can be used on the grounds.
- No fireworks or ignited materials may be used anywhere at HHC.
- Skateboards, in-line skates, scooters, hoverboards, e-bikes and sportbikes of any size may not be used anywhere on the grounds.
- The use of drones or unmanned aircraft/vehicles are prohibited on all N.C. State Fair property including HHC.
- No dogs are allowed in the main arena, dining area or administrative areas. No loose dogs/pets are allowed anywhere on the premises. All dogs/pets must be on a handheld or tied leash. Vaccination records must be available upon request. Owners must clean up after their pets.
- Speed limit may not exceed 5 mph in the horse complex and caution should be taken when driving near people and animals. Every vehicle operator must have a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance.
- All automobiles should be parked in paved parking areas. No horse trailers should be parked in the main parking lot.
- All horse transportation equipment will be parked in an organized manner along the north fence of the complex or behind the Virginia-Carolina Building.
- Campers/RV’s that require electric and/or water and sewer hook-ups will be parked in the appropriate RV area and charged for their use.
- No gray water may be dumped on the ground. All gray and black water must be emptied using a sewer hook-up or the dump station.
- All food concessions are handled by the catering/restaurant operator of the facility which has exclusive vending rights to all food and beverages at HHC. During periods of restaurant vacancy, food trucks may operate to provide services during shows. All food providers must submit proof of insurance and a current certification from the Wake County Health Department. All food trucks must leave the premises at the conclusion of the show.
- All tack and miscellaneous vendors must show proof of insurance during show dates with appropriate liability insurance limits.
- No power strips may be used in any HHC receptacle. In addition, all extension cords utilized must be grounded (3-prong) type. Improper cords pose a danger and may be confiscated.
- Any type of damage to the HHC must be reported immediately to either N.C. State Fair management or N.C. State Fair Public Safety.
- N.C. State Fairgrounds Public Safety may be contacted 24/7 at 919-612-6767.
- A substantial violation of any of these rules or regulations may result in removal from the horse complex, assessed penalties or cancellation and/or non-renewal of show.
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