Livestock Competition Info
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March 15 - Request Nomination Kit OPENS (ShoWorks-online) - can nominate up to 6 per exhibitor
- Types of kits to request
- Market Beef Got to Be NC Nomination Kit & Market Beef Non-Got to Be NC Nomination Kit
- Kits will be available for pick-up by you or designated person (note in the comments field when ordering)
- Clover Classic
- Spring Fling
- Showdown in the Foothills
- If participating in Performance Steer Program - must submit a copy of official show program listing show weight from any of thos shows
- If not showing at any of those shows, can submit a weight by having local county extension agent, show superintendent - Walter Earle or NCDA representative assist in weighing the calf and the agent then email the verified weight to before May 14th.
April 14 - Deadline to request Nomination Kit
April 15 - Nominations OPEN (ShoWorks-online)
- Complete process by entering tag data, upload picture to ShoWorks (head shot with exhibitor and side profile shot)
May 15 - Nominations CLOSE (ShoWorks-online)
- All nominations must be submitted and DNA turned into Local Extension Office
August 15 - N.C. State Fair Livestock Entries (online) OPEN
September 15 - N.C. State Fair Livestock Entries CLOSE
All youth who have exhibited a livestock animal at the N.C. State Fair are eligible to apply for this scholarship, regardless of breed, class or show placement. Showmen and previous showmen are encouraged to apply for scholarships each year they are enrolled at an institute of higher learning at a minimum of 9 course hours per semester, including community colleges and technical schools.
Winners will only be eligible to receive the scholarship a maximum of 4 times. Years prior to 2025 will count towards the 4 years.
Completed applications are due to the N.C. State Fair Office or postmarked by 5:00 p.m. on March 1, 2025.
All scholarships are paid directly to the educational institution. Verification of enrollment is required prior to payment. Failure to submit requested enrollment information will result in forfeit of scholarship for the current school year.
Click Here for the Complete Set of Guidelines and Application.
Overall ranking is determined using live animal evaluation score, carcass ranking, online record book ranking, as well as an adjustment factor for the Average Daily Gain Performance. Each of these areas are scored independently of one another, therefore each area weighs in on overall final score. Steers that enter the Performance contest MUST complete ALL of the criteria.
- At the time of nomination, verified beginning weight MUST be submitted by a copy of official show program listing show weight from Spring Fling, Clover Classic or Showdown in the Foothills before May 14 to
- If not showing at any of those shows, you can submit a weight by having a local county extension agent, show superintendent - Walter Earle or NCDA representative assist in weighing the calf and whoever assists MUST then email the verified weight to before May 14.