Tab/Accordion Items

Description: A Manure/Litter Transportation means transporting dry litter and dry manure from livestock and poultry farms that lack sufficient land to effectively utilize the animal-derived nutrients.  The litter/manure will be properly utilized on alternative land or processed to a value-added product, including energy production, to reduce nutrient impacts.  Manure/Litter Transportation Incentive payments shall be limited to $15,000 in a lifetime.

Manure/Litter Transportation Policy
Requirements for Waste Management Measures
General Policies for Commission Cost Share Programs

Maintenance Period: 1 year

Additional Spot Check Requirements: All waste management systems for operations not permitted by the Division of Water Resources must be spot-checked annually for five years following implementation.

BMP Units: Each
Cost Information: Flat Rate. Refer to ACSP Average Cost Lists for details.

CS2 Project Description examples

Expected Results: 
Acres affected
Animal type
Animal units
N and P waste managed

Reference Materials: 
NC-ACSP-11 Signature Page
Map with BMP location, fields, and roads

CS2 Common Components Units
INCENTIVE - Manure/Litter Transport <= 20 mi. Ton / CuYd
INCENTIVE - Manure/Litter Transport 20-50 mi.     Ton / CuYd
INCENTIVE - Manure/Litter Transport >= 50 mi. Ton / CuYd

NRCS - 590 - Nutrient Management
1217 Interagency Committee Guidance

NRCS Supporting Standard: None

Refer to the SWCC JAA Application Requirements for details.
