Tab/Accordion Items

Description: A Conservation Cover practice means to establish and maintain a conservation cover of grass, legumes, or other approved plantings on fields previously with no groundcover established, to reduce soil erosion and improve water quality.  Other benefits may include reduced offsite sedimentation and pollution from dissolved and sediment-attached substances.  Eligible land includes that planted to Christmas Trees, orchards, ornamentals, vineyards, and other cropland needing protective cover.

Conservation Cover Policy
Requirements for Erosion and Nutrient Management Measures
General Policies for Commission Cost Share Programs

Maintenance Period: 6 years

Additional Spot Check Requirements: None

BMP Units: Acres
Cost Information: Average cost (75% or 90%). Refer to ACSP Average Cost Lists for details.

CS2 Project Description examples

Expected Results: 
Soil saved
Phosphorus saved - if erosion is present
Acres affected - (planted acres)

Reference Materials: 
NC-ACSP-11 Signature Page
Map with BMP location, fields, and roads
For 90% Cost share, please upload the NC-CSPs-1E form.

CS2 Common Components Units
GRADING - extra heavy 9"-12" avg Acre
GRADING - heavy, 6"-9" avg Acre
GRADING - medium, <=6" avg Acre
GRADING - maximum heavy >12" avg Acre
GRADING - minimum, <=1/4 acre Job
VEGETATION - bag lime, seed and fertlizer Acre
VEGETATION - Tree/Shrub Bare Root Seedlings Each
VEGETATION - bulk lime, seed and fertilizer Acre
VEGETATION - establish, Christmas tree plantations Acre
VEGETATION - Hydroseed Acre
TREE ESTABLISHMENT - Chemical Site Prep Acre
TREE - plant, hardwood Acre
TREE - plant, loblolly and shortleaf pine Acre
TREE - plant, hardwood Acre
TREE - plant, loblolly and shortleaf pine Acre
