Description: Stream Debris Removal means the removal of vegetation along the bank (clearing) and/or selective removal of snags, drifts, or other obstructions (snagging) from natural or improved channels and streams.
This practice may be implemented to:
- Reduce risks to agricultural resources by removing obstructions that hinder channel flow or sediment transport
- Reduce excessive bank erosion by eddies or redirection of flow caused by obstructions.
- Restore flow capacity and direction
- Minimize blockages by debris
To be eligible for cost share through the NC ACSP, Stream Debris Removal must result in documentable water quality improvements from reduced stream bank erosion on or adjacent to agricultural land.
Stream Debris Removal Policy
Requirements for all Sediment and Nutrient Management Measures.
General Policies for Commission Cost Share Programs
Maintenance Period: 1 year
Additional Spot Check Requirements: None
BMP Units: Lin Ft
Cost Information: Actual cost with receipts not to exceed 75% or 90% maximum cost share amount. Refer to ACSP Average Cost Lists for details.
CS2 Project Description examples
Expected Results:
Soil saved - (Estimate amount of streambank/shoreline erosion in tons/yr)
Reference Materials:
NC-ACSP-11 Signature Page
Map with BMP location, fields, and roads
For 90% Cost share, please upload the NC-CSPs-1E form.
CS2 Common Components | Units |
NRCS – 326 – Clearing and Snagging
NRCS Supporting Standards
NRCS – 342 – Critical Area Planting
NRCS – 580 – Streambank and Shoreline Protection
Refer to the SWCC JAA Application Requirements for details.