Tab/Accordion Items

Description: A Trough or Tank means devices installed to provide drinking water for livestock at a stabilized location.

Trough or Tank Policy
Requirements for Stream Protection Management Measures
General Policies for Commission Cost Share Programs

Maintenance Period: 10 years

Additional Spot Check Requirements: None

BMP Units: Each
Cost Information: Average cost (75% or 90%). Refer to ACSP Average Cost Lists for details.

CS2 Project Description examples

Expected Results: 
Acres affected
Animal type
Animal units

Reference Materials: 
NC-ACSP-11 Signature Page
Map with BMP location, fields, and roads
For 90% Cost share, please upload the NC-CSPs-1E form.

CS2 Common ComponentsUnits
CONCRETE - Non-reinforced <= 5 CuYdCuYd
PIPE - Polyvinyl Chloride 1 1/2" or less (does not include excavation)LinFt
PIPE - Polyvinyl Chloride 2" (does not include excavation)LinFt
PIPE - PE Water supply/fittings, <=2in, includes trenchingLinFt
PIPE FITTING - Polyvinyl Chloride <=3"Each
TANK - temp storage, 1000 galEach
TANK - watering (fixed) Continuous Flow Concrete TankEach
TANK - watering (fixed) Non-Continuous Flow Concrete TankEach
TANK ‐ watering (fixed)/Pressurized 1- or 2‐Hole Watering Tank (<15 gal.)Each
TANK ‐ watering (fixed)/Pressurized 1- or 2‐Hole Watering Tank (<15 gal.), concrete padEach
TANK ‐ watering (fixed)/Pressurized 2‐Hole Watering Tank (20 ‐ 28 gal.)Each
TANK ‐ watering (fixed)/Pressurized 2‐Hole Watering Tank (20 ‐ 28 gal.), concrete padEach
TANK ‐ watering (fixed)/Pressurized 4‐Hole Watering Tank (33 gal.)Each
TANK ‐ watering (fixed)/Pressurized 4‐Hole Watering Tank (33 gal.), concrete padEach
TANK ‐ watering (fixed)/Pressurized 2‐Hole Watering Tank (44 gal.)Each
TANK ‐ watering (fixed)/Pressurized 2‐Hole Watering Tank (44 gal.), concrete padEach
TANK‐watering (fixed)/Pressurized 4‐Hole Watering Tank (70 gal.)Each
TANK‐watering (fixed)/Pressurized 4‐Hole Watering Tank (70 gal.), concrete padEach
TANK-watering (portable) /Pressurized WatererEach