Tab/Accordion Items

Description: A Waste Application System means an environmentally safe system (such as solid set, dry hydrant, mobile irrigation equipment, etc.) for the conveyance and distribution of animal wastes from waste treatment and storage structures to agricultural fields as part of an irrigation and waste utilization plan.

Mobile Application System means a portable conveyance system for the application of liquid animal waste from a waste storage pond or lagoon or a manure spreader for the application of dry waste or compost.

Solid Set System means an in-ground sprinkler system which allows the conveyance of liquid waste from a waste storage pond or lagoon to allow land application of liquid wastes.

Underground Main and Hydrant System means an in-ground system of pipes ending in hydrants which allows the conveyance of liquid waste from a waste storage pond or lagoon to facilitate the land application of animal wastes.

Waste Application Systems Policy
Requirements for Waste Management Measures
General Policies for Commission Cost Share Programs

TRC Subcommittee for Waste Management Measures Review Request for contracts upgrading the current application system

Maintenance Period: 10 years

Additional Spot Check Requirements: All waste management systems for operations not permitted by the Division of Water Resources must be spot-checked annually for five years following implementation.

BMP Units: Each
Cost Information: Actual cost based on receipts. Refer to ACSP Average Cost Lists for details.

CS2 Project Description examples

Expected Results: 
Acres affected
Animal type
Animal units
N and P waste managed

Reference Materials: 
NC-ACSP-11 Signature Page
Map with BMP location, fields, and roads
For 90% Cost share, please upload the NC-CSPs-1E form.
Receipts for actual cost items
TRC Subcommittee for Waste Management Measures Review Request for contracts upgrading the current application system

TypeCS2 Common ComponentsUnits
Mobile Application SystemWASTE APPLICATION - Poultry litter/Manure spreaderEach
Solid Set SystemWASTE APPLICATION - systemJob
Underground Main and Hydrant SystemWASTE APPLICATION - systemJob