Tab/Accordion Items

Description: A Waste Treatment Lagoon means an impoundment made by excavation or earth fill for biological treatment and storage of animal waste.

A Waste Storage Pond means an impoundment made by excavation or earth fill for temporary storage of animal waste, wastewater, and polluted runoff.

Waste Treatment Lagoon/Storage Pond Policy
Requirements for Waste Management Measures
General Policies for Commission Cost Share Programs

Maintenance Period: 10 years

Additional Spot Check Requirements: All waste management systems for operations not permitted by the Division of Water Resources must be spot-checked annually for five years following implementation.

BMP Units: Each
Cost Information: Average cost (75% or 90%). Refer to ACSP Average Cost Lists for details.

CS2 Project Description examples

Expected Results: 
Acres affected
Animal type
Animal units
N and P waste managed

Reference Materials: 
NC-ACSP-11 Signature Page
Map with BMP location, fields, and roads
For 90% Cost share, please upload the NC-CSPs-1E form.

CS2 Common ComponentsUnits
CONCRETE - Non-reinforced > 5 CuYdCuYd
CONCRETE - Reinforced (WW or Fiber - does not include rebar)CuYd
EXCAVATION - w/spoil removalCuYd
FENCE - silt, install/maintain 
FILTER CLOTH - Geotextile fabricSqYd
GRADING - Extra heavy, 9in-12in avgAcre
GRADING - Maximum heavy >12in avgAcre
GUTTERS - assembled alum/vinylLinFt
GUTTERS - downspoutsLinFt
GUTTERS - seamless alumLinFt
PIPE - CORRUGATED PLASTIC, polyethylene, double wall, various sizes - does not include excavationLinFt
VEGETATION - bag lime, seed and fertilizerAcre
VEGETATION - mulch, small grain strawAcre