There are several organizations that develop standards, codes or specifications Some division staff participate in these organizations as their finalized outputs = are automatically adopted in our regulations. The division also works with organizations or associations, who are often regulated by our programs, so there is a good relationship and exchanges of information.

The standards of the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) comprise most of the propane regulations in Title 02 NCAC Chapter 38 Section .0700). The LP-Gas program adopts NFPA 58, LP-Gas Code, and portions of NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages.

Most of the petroleum quality regulations found in Title 02 2NCAC Chapter 42 are quality and testing standards developed by ASTM International, Committee D-02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants.

The weights and measures regulations (Title 02 NCAC Chapter 38) adopts standards recommended by the National Conference on Weights and Measures, a national professional organization developing standards and tolerances on weighing and measuring devices, method of sales for commodities, the net content of packaged codes and other topics to protect consumers and promote equity in the marketplace.

The Southern Weights & Measures Association is one of four regional weights and measures associations. Recommendations from the SWMA are sent to the National Conference on Weights and Measures for consideration as a national standard. Virtually all national weights and measures standards originate in one of the regional associations.

The North Carolina Petroleum & Convenience Marketers Association is a trade organization composed of wholesale/retail petroleum marketers and convenience stores/service stations throughout North Carolina. The Association promotes the welfare and protects the interest of those engaged in marketing and distribution of petroleum products in North Carolina.

The Southeast Propane Alliance (SEPA) promotes the use of propane in North Carolina. Established in 2021 in order to promote, protect and encourage growth in the LP-Gas industry. It a membership organization of many propane dealers and propane equipment and service suppliers in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

The division adopts, through regulations, the most current version National Institute of Standards and Technology publications Handbook 44, Handbook 130 and Handbook 133. These are used primarily by the Weights and Measures program.