Structural Pest Control and Pesticides - Laws and Regulations
Federal Regulations
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Subchapter E (40 CFR 150 to 180)
Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-170)
NC Laws and Statutes
NC Pesticide Law of 1971 (GS 143.434 to .470.1)
NC Pesticide Rules and Regulations (02 NCAC 09L.0101 to .2203)
NC Sanitation of Bedding Rules (02 NCAC 61.0101 to 0113)
NC Bedding Laws (GS 106-65.95 to .107)
NC Bedding Law Amendments - 2016
NC Structural Pest Control Law
NC Structural Pest Control Rules and Regulations
NC Structural Pest Control Committee
Structural Pest Designated Primary Deviations
Wood Destroying Insect Report (WDIR-100) Memo
WDIR-100 Enforcement Policy - Example WDIR-100 Form
NC Structural Pest Official Waiver of Minimum Termite Requirements - Waiver Form
Liquid Termiticide Treatment of Residential Property with Gravel Footings & Foundation Drainage