Meat & Poultry - MPID Notices
23-08 Compensatory Leave Use Policy
6-11 Meat and Poultry Processing Survey
13-12 Meat and Poultry Handler Survey
5-13 Recall Guidance for MPID Inspected Establishments
6-13 Laundry Service for Inspection Personnel's Outer Work Clothing
4-15 New Establishments
5-15 Reimbursement of Travel, Lodging and Per Diem during Official Training
7-15 Protocol for Placing Orders For and Proper Use of Government Issue Supplies
2-16 Ethical Responsibilities of MPID Personnel
4-17 Security Requirements
8-17 Change of Ownership/New Plant Documentation
4-18 Inspection of Retail Activities in NCDA MPID Inspected Establishments
7-21 Requesting Community Service Leave
9-21 Adverse Weather Policy
6-23 Overtime Inspection
9-23 Shift Policy for Inspection Personnel that are Subject to Overtime
14-23 Policy for Personnel Address Changes
15-23 Courtesy Reviews
1-24 Documents Required to be Posted in Inspected Establishments
2-24 State Recall Procedures
4-24 Issuance of Ten Day Letter
6-24 Report Due Dates
7-24 Reimbursement of Travel
8-24 MPID State Vehicle Policy
10-24 Directions for Microbiological Lab Notifications and Results
14-24 Filing System for TA and State Inspected Establishments
34-08 Transportation Accidents
35-08 On Farm Slaughter
35-08 On Farm Slaughter (Spanish)
4-13 Requirements for Custom Exempt Poultry Operations
2-15 Compliance Surveillance for Farmer Meat and Poultry Handlers Reviewing Protocol
3-18 Inspection Requirements for M&P Business
5-18 Poultry Exemption Requirements
6-18 Requirements for Producer/Grower 20,000 Poultry Exemption
7-18 Meat Handler Requirements
1-21 SOP for Completing Compliance Referral Form
6-21 Labeling and Point of Purchase Claims
7-23 Compliance Review Protocol for Meat and Poultry Handlers
5-24 Off Site Retail Sales of Meat and Poultry Products
15-24 Compliance Retail Ground Beef Surveillance Sampling Protocol FOR Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) Analysis
3-08 Economic Sampling in State Plants
11-24 Microbiological Sampling Frame Update
12-24 Instructions for Use of Sample Seals
3-24 New Employee Training Assignment, Permanent Status
14-10 Requirements for Submission of Processing Reports
3-23 Label Approval for State Plants
16-24 Salmonella Performance Standards and Categorization for State Establishments Enrolled in a MPID Poultry Sampling Project
16-23 Custom Exempt Record Requirements
2-11 Instructions for Performing Audiograms
6-15 Firearm Safety Policy
8-22 Instructions for Documenting Potential Accident Hazards
13-24 Instructions for Handling Workers' Compensation Claims
13-08 Offal and Specimen Permit
2-10 Branding Equipment and Security
2-17 Best Practices for Voluntary Inspection of Non-Amenable, Non-Exotic Species
7-19 Policy for Voluntary Inspection of Non-Amenable Exotic Species in State Inspected Establishments
1-20 Diamond Skin Disease -- When to Retain Veterinary Disposition
Veterinary Division Notices
Policy for Removal of Live Animals from MPID Official Slaughter Premises in North Carolina
This page was last modified on 11/15/2024