Press Releases for Agronomic Services

Spring is a busy time on the farm with growers preparing equipment, working on lime and fertilizer applications, and making cropping decisions even as commodity prices are fluctuating daily. 

Peak-season soil testing fees are set to take effect Dec. 1 through March 31, 2022, pending final approval by the N.C. Board of Agriculture at its Nov. 19 meeting. Submitting soil samples to the N.C.

Commercial strawberry production requires intensive and precise fertilization. The best way to decide how much fertilizer to supply is to collect leaf and petiole samples and have them tested for nutrient levels.

Spring is in the air and many growers are already in the field preparing for the 2021 growing season. Similarly, gardeners are preparing beds either for planting vegetables or spring or summer landscape plants, which often includes applying lime to lower excessive soil acidity.

Successful production of tobacco transplants starts with good water quality and with getting the right nutrient levels in the float solution. Growers preparing for transplant production should begin by having their source water tested by the N.C.