Press Releases for All

RALEIGH – The N.C. Forest Service has deemed five new counties positive for the emerald ash borer (EAB).

RALEIGH – Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler today presented the North Carolina Friends of Farmland Award to Wake County for its innovative farmland preservation initiatives that have already preserved 238 acres of farmland.

RALEIGH – The economic impact of North Carolina’s agriculture and agribusiness industry jumped to $111.1 billion, posting a second straight year of strong growth at nearly $8 billion Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler announced today. 

RALEIGH – The economic impact of North Carolina’s agriculture and agribusiness industry jumped to $111.1 billion, posting a second straight year of strong growth at nearly $8 billion Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler announced today. 

   RALEIGH – The N.C.

RALEIGH – The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has lifted the quarantine of a HPAI-positive dairy herd after serial testing was negative for the virus.

Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler is encouraging equine owners to have their animals vaccinated against Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis and West Nile Virus. 

North Carolina poultry has been designated High Path Avian Influenza-free by the World Organization for Animal Health. This designation means that the state can resume exports and international trade for poultry products.

RALEIGH – The N.C. Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry program has announced that 71 communities, 12 campuses and two utilities have been awarded Tree City USA, Tree Campus Higher Education and Tree Line USA designations for 2023.