Press Releases

The application period is open for the fourth phase of the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Increasing Meat Production, Efficiency and Capacity (IMPEC) grant program, which is geared to independent state meat and seafood processing facilities. 

Consumers can look for a new Got to Be NC logo with the official roll-out of the latest branding campaign by the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Marketing Division. 


The North Carolina Sentinel Landscape Committee will hold a meeting to hear committee member reports pertaining to Sentinel Landscape activities and reports on other Sentinel Landscape programs.   

The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season has arrived and with it, the need to be prepared for the impacts from potential storms. With many predicting above average hurricane activity this year, the N.C.






Below is a summary of local interest stories that have recently been highlighted on the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ In the Field Blog. Please feel free to use any of this content in your publications or contact us if you have any additional questions.

State Veterinarian Mike Martin announced today that the suspension of North Carolina poultry shows and public sales will be lifted as of Wednesday, June 1.

Residents and visitors looking for farms that offer outdoor experiences and local food will have plenty of options as many farms across the state offer special summer events for guests.  

The Got to Be NC program, in partnership with its musical ambassador and local singer-songwriter Paige King Johnson, is creating a voice competition called NC Ag Star to help promote agriculture with young people.