Marketing - Horticulture

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January 1, 2019, the North Carolina General Statute, Chapter 106, Article 44A, also known as the Fruit and Vegetable Handlers Registration Act.  This act requires fruit & vegetable handlers (as defined by N.C.G.S. § 106-501.1) not otherwise exempt, to register with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  Information collected by the department under this act will be held confidential.

Fruit & Vegetable Handlers Act Documents:


To find locally grown fresh fruits & vegetables at Certified Roadside Farm Markets and farms.

Use this Produce Availability Chart to help you find when your favorite produce is in-season.

North Carolina Agricultural Associations

North Carolina supports a wide variety of commodities.  Below is a list of Commodity Associations. Click on the name to go to their website.

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