Topics Related to Structural Pest Control and Pesticides

The N.C. Pesticide Board recently approved the following settlement agreements. Settlements involved instances of performing pesticide work without a proper license, pesticide drift or pesticide overspray damage, and are listed by county below:

The N.C. Pesticide Board recently approved the following settlement agreements for cases in Carteret, Davidson, Duplin, Guilford, Lenoir, Macon, Mecklenburg, Nash, Orange, Pender, Pitt, Rowan and Washington counties.  Settlements are listed by county below:

The N.C. Structural Pest Control Committee recently approved settlement agreements for cases in Brunswick, Buncombe, Cabarrus, Robeson, Wake and Yadkin counties at its recent meeting in Raleigh. Following are the agreements:

The N.C. Pesticide Board recently approved the following settlement agreements for cases in Alleghany, Guilford, Orange, Pender, Perquimans and Robeson counties. Settlements involved cases of pesticide drift damage and a worker protection violation. Settlements are listed by county below:

The N.C. Pesticide Board approved the following settlement agreements for cases at its most recent meeting. Settlements are listed by county below:

The N.C. Structural Pest Control Committee recently approved settlement agreements for cases in Davidson, Rowan and Wake counties at its recent meeting in Raleigh. Following are the agreements:

The N.C. Pesticide Board recently approved the following settlement agreements for cases in Cabarrus, Currituck, Iredell, Lenoir, Pasquotank, Pitt and Union counties. Settlements involved cases of pesticide drift and improper selling and application of pesticides.

As floodwaters recede and cleanup continues in western North Carolina, the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services urges farmers and homeowners to evaluate pesticides and other chemical storage areas.

The N.C. Pesticide Board recently approved the following settlement agreements for cases in Craven, Forsyth, Guilford, Johnston, Person, Pitt, Rowan, Surry and Wake counties. Settlements involved cases of pesticide drift damage and improper purchasing,&nbsp