Why an Agronomic Services Division?
From both an economic and an environmental standpoint, agricultural efficiency is important to every North Carolinian. Declines in agricultural efficiency impose a widening circle of social costs: growers lose money; consumers are denied safe and affordable food and fiber; the state as a whole suffers from environmental problems; and future generations inherit a degraded resource base.
The Agronomic Division helps to avoid these problems by providing science-based, land management information to all those who need it—from large-scale farmers to homeowners and weekend gardeners. Rather than relying on guesswork or trial and error, growers can thus make informed decisions about fertilization, liming, nematode control, irrigation, waste management and related matters.
Reliable agronomic information increases production and efficiency while safeguarding the environment. It forms the foundation for policies that protect the immediate interests of consumers and producers without jeopardizing the land resources upon which future generations will depend.
Samples Processed

Advising, Educational and Research Contacts

The Agronomic Division is committed to research, education, and community service. Here are a few ways we participate in the advancement of agriculture:
- Advisory consultations with growers
- Lab tours
- Research projects
- Technical publications
- Participating in professional conferences
- Conducting environmental consultations
- Adopt A Stream - Richland Creek Stream near the Eaddy Building in Raleigh
Impacts of the Agronomic Division
- Predictive soil testing methodologies (Mehlich-1 and -3) that are used throughout the world.
- Methods for determining lime requirements and percent humic matter.
- Pinewood assay to support export industry.
- Molecular diagnostic testing of nematodes for guava root knot nematode.
- Helping N.C. growers monitor soil fertility, thereby protecting the environment from excessive use of fertilizers, particularly nitrogen.
- Quantifying the nutrient content of waste products to facilitate their responsible use as fertilizer.
- Identifying fields that do not contain plant-parasitic nematodes, thus avoiding unnecessary application of pesticides.
- Helping to cut farm expenses by avoiding unnecessary applications of fertilizer and nematicides.
- Analyzing plant tissue samples to identify and avert nutrient problems before they reach a critical stage and cause economic loss.
- Assisting growers in fine tuning fertility of high value, intensively managed crops such as strawberries.
- Providing a soil testing service that allow farmers to use variable-rate fertilizer application that maximizes the use of fertilizer inputs.
Field Services

The Carolina Star Program is designed to recognize employers and employees who have implemented effective safety and health management systems and maintain injury and illness rates that meet the criteria for participation. The Agronomic Services Division has maintained its designation as a Carolina Public Sector Star Site since 2010.