Agronomic Services- Soilless Media Analysis


Soilless media, also known as potting soil, is composed of organic substrates such as pine bark, peat moss, and perlite and is widely used in the greenhouse and nursery industries for plant production.  Soilless media analysis measures nutrients and other chemical parameters that are relevant to crop fertility.  It is useful for monitoring the fertilizer value and overall quality of the growing substrates and for troubleshooting abnormal growth in greenhouse and nursery crops.

The Agronomic Division accepts soilless media samples from both individual growers and research institutions.  Select the submission process that best describes your operation. If you are uncertain about your submission category, please contact the laboratory Section Chief or Agronomist.

Contact Information

Kristin Hicks, Ph.D.

Laboratory Director 919-664-1603
Don Edralin headshot

Don Edralin, Ph.D.

Agronomist 919-664-1604