2024 Voluntary Agricultural Districts Webinar Series
The Voluntary Agricultural Districts (VAD) Webinar Series was for local government staff and Agricultural Advisory Boards that administer and implement VAD programs in their local communities.
Landowners, land trusts, conservation nonprofits, and other entities interested in VADs were encouraged to attend. The webinars were virtual, free, and open to the public, and have been archived on our VAD Program Resources page.
One previously-scheduled webinar was postponed. The session for VAD and GIS was meant to answer questions such as why have a VAD GIS layer in the first place and how to capture the half-mile record notice area, and would also cover topics pertaining to working with your county GIS department. It has not been rescheduled, but when and if it is we will post the new date here.
Cycle 17 Timeline
- Mid-February through March: Conservation easement site visits
- April: Projects, Plans, and Agricultural Growth Zones interviews
- May: Group review and scoring of all Cycle 17 grant applications
- June: Presentation of Cycle 17 scoring to ADFP Trust Fund Advisory Committee
- July 1: New state fiscal year begins
- ~ August: Certification of FY25 budget
- ~ September 1: Award notifications sent out to grantees
- October 1: Effective start date for new contracts