Thank you for partnering with the Farmland Preservation Division and the ADFP Trust Fund to help preserve family farms and forests in North Carolina.
Please review the information on this page. These resources will assist your organization in completing your grant through the ADFP Trust Fund.
Budget and Progress Reporting
Per state law and agency requirements, grantees with an active grant with the ADFP Trust Fund are required to submit reporting documents at regular intervals during the grant period.
During prior grant cycles, these reports were due on a quarterly or semi-annual basis and based on awarded grant amounts. To simplify and streamline this process, conservation easement budget and progress reports are now tied to document deliverables and the financial reimbursements that go along with them:

For more information on due diligence deliverables suites, the "progress" portion of "Budget and Progress Reporting," visit our dedicated deliverables page.
Reporting Materials for Grant Recipients
Request for Payment and Request for Reimbursement
Budget and Progress Report - Easement
Budget and Progress Report - Project and Plans
Budget and Progress Report - Local AGZs
Matching Funds and Equipment Inventory Summary Form
Easement Closing Check Request and Checklist
ADFP Trust Fund Grantee Eligibility Classification
In accordance with state and federal guidelines governing publicly-funded grant programs, the ADFP Trust Fund has established the following grantee risk matrix based on the frequency of adverse actions by the grant recipient and the severity of consequences associated with those actions. A common example of an adverse action would be missing deadlines for budget and progress reports.
A grantee's submitted request for proposal or grant application with a Yellow classification will be given a lower selection rank in comparison to an equivalent request for proposal or grant application with a grantee with a Green classification. A grantee's submitted request for proposal or grant application with a Red classification will be ineligible if the Red classification continues for 30 days or more after submission of the request for proposal or grant application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Progress reports are due either quarterly or semi-annually, depending on the grant award amount. Grantees receiving less than or equal to $250,000 report semi-annually, and grantees receiving greater than $250,000 report quarterly. Reporting requirements are specified in the grantees duties section of the contract. Please refer to the Reporting Requirements section under your grant recipients page for more details.
You must submit a Request for Reimbursement form along with all documentation regarding the expenses. You must also make sure that you have already submitted all due Progress Reports and Budget Reports. You are entitled to one initial payment of up to $25,000 or 90% of your grant, whichever is less, without expense documentation.
Budget Reports are due on a quarterly or semi-annual basis, as is designated in the grant contract. Budget Reports are not cumulative. They are to represent only the expenses from that quarter or 6-month period. The Budget Report form is located on our web site on the Downloads page under "Reporting Materials for Grant Recipients."
The Budget Revision Request form is located on our web site on the Downloads page under "Reporting Materials for Grant Recipients." Any change amount above 10% requires a budget revision request. Adding or deleting a line item also requires a budget revision request.
Allow up to twenty (20) working days to receive your payment.
Most grant payments will be electronic, with the exception of closing checks which will be paper checks.
You can receive up to 90% of your total grant amount, as long as you show proper documentation. To receive the final 10% of your grant, you must submit documentation to show that you have also achieved the minimum amount of matching funds.
To receive up to 90% of the grant amount, you must submit a Request for Reimbursement, along with supporting documentation of expenditures, including an updated appraisal, at least four (4) weeks prior to the closing date. In order to receive 100% of the grant amount, you must also submit all due Progress Reports, Budget Reports, and Matching and In-Kind Documentation. The closing checklist is available under "Reporting Materials for Grant Recipients."
The first step to requesting an extension is to submit a letter requesting the extension, addressed to the ADFP Trust Fund Program Manager. Include in the letter the date you are requesting to extend until and your reason for the extension. Also include a revised timeline to reflect the requested contract end date. If your extension is approved, you will receive two sets of paperwork that must be signed and returned to the ADFP Trust Fund office before your extension is finalized. It is important that you ask for your extension BEFORE your contract end date.
The Budget Officer for the ADFP Grant Fund is Allison Rodriguez – email her at - (919) 707-3073.