FDPD - Food Program - Produce Contacts
Produce Safety Program Staff Contacts:
Chris Harris. Produce Program Manager. Cell: (919) 270-0990. Email: Chris.Harris@ncagr.gov
Vacant. Administrative Officer. Email:
David Hurley. Grant Manager & Administrative Officer. Cell: (919) 441-2011. Email: David. Hurley@ncagr.gov
Ryan Knox, Produce Compliance Officer. Cell: (984) 800-9068. Email: Ryan.Knox@ncagr.gov
Sarah Cope. Outreach Coordinator. Cell: (919) 219-4716. Email: Sarah.Cope@ncagr.gov
Bryan Harris. Produce Regulatory Specialist- Eastern/Central NC. Cell: (252) 886-0158. Email: Bryan.Harris@ncagr.gov
Greg Fillmore, Produce Regulatory Specialist- Central/Piedmont NC. Cell: (984) 297-7271. Email: John.Fillmore@ncagr.gov
Lucy Love. Produce Regulatory Specialist- Piedmont/Western NC. Cell: (336) 293-3866. Email: Lucy.Love@ncagr.gov
Stan Biconish. Ag Program Specialist. Email: Stan.Biconish@ncagr.gov
Fill out THIS form to provide the Produce Safety Program with any comments or questions to help you better understand the FSMA Produce Safety Rule or to help prepare you for produce safety inspections. You can submit your questions anonymously or provide us with your contact information so we can provide a response.