N.C. Forest Service - Invasive Monitoring Maps
Forest Health Invasive Pest Maps
These maps are designed for tracking and monitoring pest threats to forest and tree health. The N.C. Forest Service monitors nonnative invasive pests on these maps using a 10-minute grid (approximately 10 mile grid lines). When a pest is confirmed in a new location, the corresponding grid box is shaded. Users are encouraged to report any sightings of emerald ash borer, laurel wilt, and thousand cankers disease in new areas to newpest@ncagr.gov. Once a pest is confirmed in an area, the map will be updated.
The maps are georeferenced PDF (Portable Document Format) files that can be downloaded onto a personal computer or to a GPS equipped mobile device. Special apps to read the georeferenced information in the files can be found for both Apple and Android devices. One such mobile app is by Avenza Maps, which is available from the AppStore and the Google Play Store. When georeferenced maps are opened in the app it will show the user’s location as a blue dot. Users also have the ability to mark points and determine coordinates for suspected pest activity.
*Other mobile applications may be available and will be added as they come to our attention and are tested.
This page was last modified on 01/09/2025