The Construction Section provides support to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services different divisions in the areas of management of real property assests, reapir and renovation and capital improvement programs. NCDA&CS facilities encompass a broad range of buildings and infrastructure related to supporting agricultural production, agricultural research, NC Forest Service, Farmer's Markets, Fairgrounds, Agricultural Centers, Equestrian Complexes, Training Centers, office buildings and laboratories supporting agronomics and animal diseases diagnostics. This section is responsible for providing engineering support in design, design review, construction administration, and monitoring of consulting architects, engineers and contractors for assigned projects related to the repair, renovation, and new construction of all these NCDA&CS facilities infrastructures.
Helping Keep NC Moving
Project Information
New Construction
Under development, design, construction or has been completed
July 2020 ~ July 2023
These funds benefit most of the Divisions within the Department of Agriculture and represent hundreds of individual projects, both large and small; but all impactful to improve the mission critical services provided by the Department
Repair and Renovation
Under development, design, construction or has been completed