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March 2025 Classifieds

Tab/Accordion Items

5-frame nucs in waxed cardboard nuc box, $200. Sam Bolick, Concord 704-900-4580.

5-frame nucs & splits, avail 3/15, consists of 4 frames of brood & 1 frame of food & full of bees, $150 ea. Tim Holt, Siloam 336-710-4904.

5-frame nucs, avail April-May, home grown, state inspected, transport box avail, $200 + $20 deposit. Libby Mack, Charlotte 704-953-0565, mack.bees@gmail.com.

5-frame nucs, avail around 4/21, $180 + box deposit; 10-frame colonies in your equip, $240; all state inspected. Rick Brown, Mooresville 704-310-6553, do not text.

JD 8 bu grass collector, fits X700 series mowers 54-60 in., dumps from seat, LNC, $1,600. Don Whittington, Mt. Pleasant 704-792-5584.

1-row tobacco setter for sweet potatoes or collards, w/water barrel, $650; 1-row disc hiller/fert hopper, $650; IH 140 tractor w/cults, fert/hopper, restored, $7,500. Michael Nardo, Jackson Springs 910-281-3522 or 992-1405.

NH bale wagon, 10-spd, 460 eng, sheltered, $10,000. RG Hammonds, Lumberton 910-734-2991.

Case 580-C backhoe, w/2 ft. bucket & 7 ft. bucket on front end, $10,000. Jerry Green, Franklin 828-342-1698.

F-C tricycle tractor, been sitting, $2,200 obo or trade; JD D-170 riding mower, 185 hrs., 25 hp, $2,400 cash. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.

3 pt hay spike, GC, $150; 3 pt scoop pan, GC, $200; (2) spring tooth harrows, GC, $200; (6) plow shares, new, $90/all. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.

Yetter 71 planter, LN, new hoppers, EC, manual, $4,500. Martin Grinstead, Hurdle Mills

King Kutter rotary cutter, 5 ft., rated for 40hp, no leaks, no rust, sheltered when not in use, $1,100. Bruce Gragg, Newton 828-465-3715.

Befco GTR 266 seeder, 72", will level, till, drop seed, cover & pack seed, LN, stored inside, $6,500. Dale Anderson, Greenville 252-531-2399.

80" disc harrow, 20x18 iron knuckles, w/mods, $1,600; carry all w/Rubbermaid dump cart, $1,500; Craftman integral plow, $200; tillage tool, 9 shanks, $800. Steve Yarborough, Lexington 336-225-1301.

220 spray coupe, GC, $7,000 obo. Logan Tucker, Monroe 704-507-2500.

2000 NH TC29D, 1,531 hrs., turf tires, mid-mount PTO, canopy, 33hp, hys, 1 owner, $8,800 obo. Sandy Yokeley, Winston Salem 336-345-7333, yokeleyfarms@gmail.com

JD 8’ offset, model WH76, 22” rear disc, 20” front disc, GC, field ready, $950; JD 8250 grain drill, GC, used 2024, 8’ wide cover, $950. Gary Proctor, Trinity 336-688-2695.

1990 Ford 3930, 1,700 hrs., new tires, EC, $10,500; 1974 IH 140, fast hitch, cults, side dresser, new tires, EC, $5,700. Dustin Hill, Madison 336-239-4566.

1941 JD H, restored, $4,000; 1961 JD 1010 RS, w/all options, needs fuel tank, $3,500; Ford 6 ft. scraper blade, $500. Bill Russell, Vass 910-690-2918.

Single row mulch layer/fumigation rig, 28” bed, 9” high, up to 60” rolls, $4,750; mulch lifter retrofitted w/transplanter seats, w/3 sets puncher wheels, $3,500. Ted Sherrod, Kenly 919-201-8779.

Leinbach yard tool pulverizer, 6 ft., 3 pt, VGC, $1,100. Kevan Barringer, Salisbury 704-640-3590.

1 set ag tires & wheels for 4 Series compact utility tractor, from 50hp tractor, VGC, $1,800. Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661.

Bush Hog box blade, 6 ft., hy teeth, $1,250; King 28-disc harrow, pull type, $1,425; 2-disc plow, 3 pt, $250. Randy Davis, Elon 336-263-8163.

(2) clamp-on duals, 18.4 x 34, $800/both; NH 252 rake hitch for 2 hay rakes, $2,000. Daniel Watts, Archdale 336-362-0290.

5 ft. root rake, $425; doub drag harrow, 3 pt, $400; JD 6 ft. bush hog, $450; 4 ft. bush hog, $300; big wgts, $80; 20-disc harrow, $425. James Isley, Julian 336-263-1958.

3 pt Gill yard tool, $650; Lely 3 pt spreader, $750; 7 ft. no-till drill, GC, $2,650. Edward Lewis, Gibsonville 336-516-2632.

3 pt scoop pan, GC, $250; 6 ft. angle blade, GC, $550; Mike Crosby, Olin 704-546-2434, after 6 p.m.

Ford 3-16 bottom plows, new points, $500; 12 corral panels, $600. Thomas Roberts, Lenoir 828-729-0078.

AC 7000, 6-cyl, cab, needs batteries & service, $5,500 cash or trade, L.M. Parrish Jr., Selma 919-965-5129.

Coleman corn & bean planter, w/cults & plates, $250; 2004 Ford tractor, 4-cyl gas, ps, $1,600. Joe Carpenter, Nebo 828-317-0244.

MH manure spreader, power takeoff, field ready, $700. Henry Wagner, Hickory 828-256-2165.

2003 NH BR 740 baler, string only, used little, $9,000; JD hay rake, new parts, needs work, $75. Tim Brooks, Burlington 336-512-1139.

Behlen Country 3-piece bale feeder, $1,000; feed silo, 3.5-tons, $1,500. Doug Stancil, Greensboro 336-402-8161.

Landscape rake, 7 ft., new, $900; JD 1209 hay moco, $2,500; drag harrow for arenas, $500. Connie Tutor, Fuquay Varina 919-815-1179.

(3) hay rings, $100 ea.; (6) corral panels, $75; 3 pt hay spear, $150; 9 ft. chain harrow, $500. Mike Luxton, Lumberton 910-739-2534.

(2) IH flywheel gas eng, 1 ½ hpm, $700 ea. Bobby Harkey, Albemarle 704-982-2494.

Golden molasses mill, w/gears, pulleys, wheels, $1,000. David Burris, Albemarle 704-918-6464.

Ford 7610 or 7810 tractor, or NH. Larry Hales, Autryville 910-624-4147.

4-bottom plow, semi-mount only, 4-16 or 4-18, GC; 3 pt lift bale wrapper for 4x5 haylage. Blair Burrage, Concord 704-606-2040.

A set of pallet forks that pin onto a JD 158 loader. Danny Toney, Ellenboro 704-473-4642.

Working or non-working skid steer, preferably a T870, T770, Cat 299, or JD 333. Ray Loflin, Greensboro 336-493-6509.

Ford 309 corn planter plates; corn, beans, sorghum & filler plates; Ford 309 corn planters for parts. Charles Chamelin, Kernersville 336-769-4418.   

Vert & horiz mowing, ponds, dams, shooting lanes, reclaiming property, fence lines, $85/hr. + deliv of equip. Roger McKenzie, Jackson Springs 910-528-2293.

Lawn mower/tractor repair, garden tillers, other sm eng & outdoor power equip, in Alexander & surrounding co; 45+ yrs. exp., can p/u & deliv, $30-$60/hr. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521.

Sm eng repair, lawn mowers, tillers, weed eaters, chainsaws, etc., Lexington, Thomasville & surrounding area; p/u/deliv avail, $30. Tony Burge, Lexington 336-819-0835.

Electric fence box repair, AFW, TSC, SSC, Parmak, $20/hr. Bobby Nichols, N. Wilkesboro 336-927-2850.

Farm fencing, $1. Benjamin Glasscoe, Thomasville 336-762-2964. 

15 ac for rent for Coastal Bermuda hay, $1/ac. Marty Britt, Orrum 910-618-7902.

Deer hunting land for lease in Randolph & Montgomery co, 50-100 ac. Terry Glasscoe, Thomasville 336-762-2964.

Orchard grass/fescue, 4x5 rl, horse quality, sheltered, no rain/weeds, $45/rl; mixed grass, 4x5 rl, sheltered, no rain, $35-$40/rl; local deliv avail. Jay Hohn, Archdale 336-289-3686.

'24 orchard grass, clover & oat mix, 4x5 rnd, tight bales, $55/rl. Blair Burrage, Concord   704-606-2040.

Fescue, 4x5 rnd, horse quality, $50/bale; crabgrass, 4x5 rnd, $30/bale; 2023 spring cut fescue, sq bales, $3/bale. Ronnie Brogden Creedmoor 919-528-1767.

Cow hay, 30 4x4 rls, $30/bale; 20 rls alfalfa hay, horse quality, 4x4, $60/bale. Phil Zimmerman, Lexington 336-406-6746.

'23 fescue, 4x4 rnd, sheltered, no rain, $28/bale. Reuben Raber, Hamptonville 336-468-2903.

Coastal Bermuda hay, 4x4 rnd, horse quality, stored under shelter, $40 & $45/bale. Dan Lancaster, Pikeville 919-222-6853.

Orchard grass/fescue/Timothy/clover mix grass, spring ‘24 cut, horse quality, lrg sq bales, $7.50; rnd bales, $55. Elizabeth Macdonald, Blanch 346-459-6776.

Mixed grass, 4x5 rls, around 800 lbs., stored outside, $50/rl; stored under shed, $60/rl. Lance Bass, Spring Hope 252-478-3169.  

Fescue, 4x5 rnd, barn stored, $40/bale. Chris Wood, Sanford 919-842-2126, call or text.

2024 mixed hay, no rain, min purchase 25 bales, $6/bale. Vernon Hill, Mt. Pleasant 980-621-5091.

2024 Coastal Bermuda hay, horse quality, 100 bales, $7.50/bale. Gary White, Sanford 919-775-9769.

Peanut hay, 4x5 rnd, net wrapped, lots of leaves, some peanuts, can deliv 38 bales/load, $25-$35/bale. Larry Bullock, Greenville 252-883-4748.

Orchard grass, horse quality, sq bales, 40+ lbs., no rain, in barn, $9/bale. Kenneth Chilton, Pilot Mtn 336-374-2410 or cell 399-1973.

Fescue, 4x5 rnd, fert, lime, no weeds, spring cut, $75/bale; fall cut, $50/bale. Aaron Rumley, Burlington 336-675-1712.

Horse quality hay, $45/rl; cow quality hay, $35/rl; deliv avail. H. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.

Orchard grass/fescue, $50/rnd bale; orchard grass, $7/sq bale; cow hay, $35/rnd bale; lrg quantity discount. Johnny Sowers, Lexington 336-239-3020.

2024 fescue, 4x5 rnd, in barn on pallets, $35/bale. Doug Stancil, Greensboro 336-402-8161.

Tucker-Cheyenne western trail saddle, w/breast collar, EC, $1,550. P.L. Arant, Monroe 704-290-8758.

Santa Gertrudis cattle, 6 m/o, $1,000 & up; breeding bulls, $2,000 & up; pairs, $3,000 & up. Charles O’Bryant III, Reidsville 336-908-0276.

Polled Hereford bull, dob 6/2/24, $1,200. Bill Barkley, Salisbury, call /text 704-918-0379 or home 633-5040.

JSF Jaremco 176K, reg shorthorn *x4338214, dob 3/23/22, calving ease, lrg ribeye, $4,000 neg. Sandy Yokeley, Winston Salem 336-345-7333, yokeleyfarms@gmail.com.

F1 Blk Wagyu/Blk Angus stocker calves, steers, heifers, weaned, ready for direct beef market, $3,000 ea.; Boer/Spanish x meat goats, does, kids, young bucks, $300 up. Martha Mobley, Louisburg 919-495-1305.

Kiko/Savanna x doelings & bucklings, dob 4/24; adult does, yearlings to 7 y/o, established, quality bloodlines, healthy, hardy, easy keepers, $200-$300. David Ward, Burlington 336-266-1457.

Simmental & SimAngus herd bulls, blk, polled, bred for calving ease, muscle, growth & disposition, $3,000-$4,000. William Pyle, Franklinton 919-215-5677.

Polled Hereford bull, $2.85/lb.; polled Hereford heifer, $2.85/lb. Randy Davis, Elon 336-263-8163.

St. Croix ewes reg, $450 ea.; St. Croix rams, $350 ea. Valerie Cockerham, Yadkinville 336-416-2240.

Reg Angus bulls, bred for calving ease, efficiency good feet & disposition, recent breeding soundness exam, $3,500-$4,000; Angus heifers ready to breed avail. Steve McPherson, Snow Camp 919-444-5307.

California, silver California, bluescales, Gambel’s, 8 breeds bobwhite; partridge, Philby, chukar, Hungarians, $6 & up. Jimmy Furr, Stanfield 704-351-5654.

(1) insulated quail hutch, suitable for 6-8 birds; false bottom for clean-out, $50; (1) incubator for hatching eggs, inclds accessories, quail egg cartons, $30. Trip Renn, Chapel Hill 919-608-4564.

Australian blk swans & Mute swans, $600 & up; Cape Barren geese, $600 & up; Ruddy shelducks, $150 & up. Jim Simpson, Indian Trail 704-361-6497.

Cedar bluebird houses, handmade, $12. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.  

Poultry breeder house to lease in Alexander or surrounding co, 400 ft. or larger, GC, ready to use; may consider partnership, prefer Mount Aire contract. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521.

1-2 male nun pigeons; 1-2 male deep keel Rouen ducks; 1 pair silver auburn turkeys; prefer w/in 150 mi of Statesville/Winston-Salem area. William Riley, Thurmond 336-466-4993, call/text.

Rabbiteye blueberry plants, 2 y/o, lrg, healthy, Climax, Tifblue, Premier, Powderblue, Brightwell, $10 ea. Michael Roberson, Trinity 336-862-3488.

Yellow dragon fruit climbing cactus plants, in 6 in. pots, $15 ea. Kevin Campbell, Harmony 704-775-2425.

Sorghum cane seed, freezer kept, not treated for grasses or weeds, $12/lb. Larry Stout,

Waynesville 828-400-1550.

Sawtooth oak wildlife tree seedlings, 2-6 ft., produces acorns quickly, $3-$6. Glen Parker, Olin 704-677-3458.      

Potted muscadine plants, 5-6 ft., planting/fert incld, $25. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.    

Tall, single hollyhock seeds, grows up to 6 ft.; summer poinsettia seeds.  Jeffrey Gray, Thurmond 336-466-4993.

Red oak lumber, 14'x7"x1.75", dressed, 15 boards, $25/board; other assorted reclaimed lumber avail.  Charles McPherson, Mebane 919-830-0878, noon-8 p.m.

Water barrel, GC, $200; new & used water pumps, $200. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.

Water totes, $75; burning barrels & plastic barrels, $10; feed barrels, $20. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.

Cedar fence posts, $5. Ben Luthy, Union Grove 336-468-6597.

3-panel cement fence, around +/- 200 ft., $3/ft. Tommy Sink, Lexington 336-250-4234.

200+ new Rainbird, Optima, Water Whiz sprinkler heads & controller, $100. Duane Kirschenman, Winston-Salem 704 528-9369, call or DM.

150+ step-in fence posts, $1.50 ea.; (30) 2x16 5V metal, $10 ea.; (2) 180 gal. water tanks, $100 ea. Mike Luxton, Lumberton 910-739-2534.

Miller 20-ton tilt top trailer, w/lights & air brakes, $8,000. Tommy Sink, Lexington 336-250-4234.

Utility trailer, 4x8, no title, $400. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.

1984 Chevy C-60, 20 ft. flatbed, 366 eng, 5-spd hi-lo trans, $2,000. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.

2023 equip trailer, 18 ft. x 7 ft., 2 ft. drop, brakes, dual 3,700 lb. axles, clear title, tag along, $3,300. Harry Partridge, Indian Trail 704-668-9272.

2014 Shadow 3-horse trailer, gooseneck, slant load, 7'6" hgt, used twice, carpeted dressing room w/saddle storage, drop down windows, $17,000. Philip Blue, Pleasant Garden 336-362-8414.

Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., gooseneck, $9,450; equip trailer, 20 ft., 12,000 lb. tandem axle, $5,950. H. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.

2003 Dodge RAM 2500 flatbed truck, 4x4, 4-dr., diesel, deluxe pkg., 4 toolboxes, excel. running cond., 250,000 mi, recently rebuilt trans, $18,000. Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661. 

1995 Featherlite trailer, 3-horse, alum., lrg dressing room, factory bath, heat, air, king size bed, oak, cab., generator, EC, $15,500. P.L. Arant, Monroe 704-290-8758.

2024 Calico stock trailer, bumper pull, 16 ft., cut gate, $8,750. YD Saul, Elon 336-213-6292.

1999 Dodge Commons, 350 diesel, club cab, 116,000 mi, good tires, GC, $20,000. Henry Wagner, Hickory 828-256-2165.

Cattle trailer, bumper pull, 20 ft. tandem, inside gate, $2,000. Doug Stancil, Greensboro 336-402-8161.

WW2 Halftrack truck, complete or parts, made by White, Diamond T, Autocar or Intl; used postwar in ag & forestry.  Robert Harrison, Salisbury 704-202-3301.

February 2025 Classifieds

Tab/Accordion Items

Italian 5-frame nucs, avail 4/1, $170; 3# pkgs., avail 3/25, $125; Italian queens, avail 3/25, $32. Garry Whitley, Albemarle 704-982-0698.

5-frame nucs, avail approx. 4/21, $180 + box deposit; 10-frame colonies in your equip, $240; all state inspected. Rick Brown, Mooresville 704-310-6553, do not text.

Shallow supers w/frames, $10 ea. Charles Winesett, Pinnacle 336-368-2519.

Honeybees, 5-frame nucs & splits, Italian & Carniolian, avail March through 4/15, p/u Yadkin co, $150 ea., discounts for 100 or more. Tim Holt, Siloam 336-710-4904.

80" disc harrow, 20x18 iron knuckles, w/mods, $1,600; carry all w/Rubbermaid dump cart, $1,500; Craftman integral plow, $200; 9-shank tillage tool, $800. Steve Yarborough, Lexington 336-225-1301.

Manual pine straw baler, custom made, never used, mounted on 2 car wheels, $275. Bill Mintz, Iron Station 704-905-6623.

(2) Brock 18-ton feed bins, $500 ea. Michael Lanier, Burgaw 910-616-5884.

MF 300 combine, 2-row corn head, for repair or parts, $500; MF 300 combine, 3-row corn head, for repair or parts, $500. David Shepherd, Wilkesboro 336-984-1435.

Berry Hill plastic mulch layer, model RB448; plastic mulch lifter w/center coulter, both used for less than 1 ac total, $2,000 ea. Clay Smith, Burlington 919-671-8744.

Old JD sq hay baler, needs work, tires, etc., $100 obo. Richard Adams, Raleigh 919-846-0022 or 830-8470.

1 set ag tires & wheels for 4 Series compact utility tractor, from 50 hp tractor, VGC, $1,800. Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661.

Wheel Horse lawn tractor, model 417-8, 2 cyl. Kohler eng, GC, $750. Denny Barney, Mocksville 336-909-5180.

NH 848 rnd baler w/computer box, GC, $3,000 obo. H.A. Stogner Jr., Norwood   704-438-1169, call or text.

Operators manual for Case tractor models 220, 222, 224, 444, 446, new cond, $15; parts catalog for Case 580D & 580 Super D, $15. John Huskey,

Hillsborough 919-644-0136.

2-disc plow, $250; 5 ft. bush hog, $650; 8 ft. harrow, $1,100. Randy Davis, Elon 336-263-8163.

Bush Hog offset harrow, hvy duty, EC, $1,850; 9-shank tiller, 3 pt, $350. Edward Lewis, Gibsonville 336-516-2632.

Cub belt pulley, $50; A-140 belt pulley, $75; Cub fert kit, $200; JD H, $1,800; seats for Ford 800, Farmall M, $50. Tommy Coble, Liberty 336-264-0402.

Tricycle tractor, needs work, has been sitting, $2,000 obo. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.

Hay spike, 3 pt, GC, $150; 3 pt scoop pan, GC, $200; (2) spring tooth harrows, GC, $200; (6) new plow shares, $90. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.

3 pt equip, cults, $140; 2-bottom plows, $250; subsoiler, $140; 6 ft. Rhino scrape, $275; boom pole, $130; rippers, $425. James Isley, Julian 336-263-1958.

Frick sawmill, doub 00, on steel; Frick edger & Detroit 371 power unit, $8,000. Swanson Joyce, Pinnacle 336-529-2950.

Kid holding box for dehorning, 2 irons, $200 obo. Donald Schrayer, Rockwell 704-857-2044.

Purina liquid lick tank, $500; Behlen Country 3-piece rnd bale feeder, $1,000; feed silo, 3.5 tons, $1,500. Doug Stancil, Greensboro 336-402-8161.

JD 3032E tractor & loader, 260 hrs., $20,000; bush hog, $500; plugger, $500; sprayer, $200. Charles Waddell, Lexington 336-309-6603.

1975 IH Farmall 140, cults, layoff plow, recent overhaul, $2,800. Jimmy Frye, Carthage 910-947-5910.

Spike tooth drag harrow, 10 ft., 3 pt, $785. R. Hanes, Glendale Springs 828-406-6365.

(3) hay rings, $100 ea.; (6) 16 ft. corral panels, $75 ea.; 3 pt hay spear, $150; 9 ft. chain harrow, $500. Mike Luxton, Lumberton 910-739-2534.

22” disc, $900; Ford 3-14 low clearance plow, $300; 7 ft. tiller w/vert. springs, $800; gleaner F2 combine, gas, 13 ft. header & chopper, $5,000. Frank Corriher, China Grove 704-202-8249. 

220 spray coupe, GC, $7,000 obo. Logan Tucker, Monroe 704-507-2500.

2017 Kubota MX5200 backhoe, 4wd, 52hp, 330 hrs., gear driven shuttle trans; Woods BH 9000 backhoe, hyd thumb, pto pump, claw bucket, quick change forks, $42,500. Ronnie Snow, Hickory 828-320-7996.

AC 333 no till planter w/rnd metal seed hopper. Jack Simpson, Todd 704-242-0763.

5-shank soil saver; 3-shank older deep subsoiler, Cat. 2, GC; clamp on duals for 20-8-38. Blair Burrage, Concord 704-606-2040.

Track skid steer, preferably a Bobcat T870, Cat 299, or JD 333, any cond. Ray Loflin, Greensboro 336-493-6509.

Front mounted corn planter & fertilizer dist for JD LA tractor. John Huskey, Hillsborough 919-644-0136.

Vert & horiz mowing, ponds, dams, shooting lanes, reclaiming property, fence lines, $85/hr. + deliv of equip. Roger McKenzie, Jackson Springs 910-528-2293.

Sm eng repair, lawn mowers, tillers, weed eaters, chainsaws, etc., Lexington, Thomasville & surrounding areas, p/u deliv avail, $30. Tony Burge, Lexington 336-819-0838.

Elect. fence box repair, ssc, parmak, tsc, afw, zareba, $20 labor. Bobby Nichols, N. Wilkesboro 336-957-2850.

15 ac for rent for Coastal Bermuda hay, $1/ac. Marty Britt, Orrum 910-618-7902.

Farmland to lease to run rabbits w/beagles, around Mecklenburg, Stanley, Union, Cabarrus & Anson co. Matthew Clontz, Charlotte 704-309-5798.

Orchard grass fescue, 4x5 rl, horse quality, sheltered, no rain/weeds, $50/rl; mixed grass, 4x5 rl, sheltered, no rain, $40-$45/rl; local deliv avail. Jay Hohn, Archdale 336-289-3686.

2024 fescue mixed grass, 4x4 rls, barn stored, fields fert & limed, $30 ea. cash only; 10 or more, $32 ea. Kent Lambeth, Winston Salem 336-209-8962.

Coastal Bermuda hay, 4x4 rnd, horse quality, stored under shelter, $40 & $45/ bale. Dan Lancaster, Pikeville 919-222-6853.

Fescue hay, spring ‘24 cutting, 4x4.5 rnd, $40/bale. Kenneth Dobbins, Reidsville 743-244-0388.

Fescue & orchard grass mix, spring cut, sq, $8/bale; 4x4 rnd, $35/bale. Dillon Pinnix, Reidsville 336-587-9042.

Clean fescue hay, stored in barn, sq bales, $6 ea. Edna Gibson, Climax 336-824-8544.

2024 Coastal Bermuda hay, horse quality, 125 bales left, $8/bale. Gary White, Sanford 919-775-9769.

Mixed grass hay 4x5 rls, about 800 lbs., stored outside, $50; stored under shed, $60. Lance Bass, Spring Hope 252-478-3169.

Orchard grass hay, sq bales, 35 lbs.-40 lbs., no rain, horse quality, $9/bale. Kenneth Chilton, Pilot Mtn, home 336-374-2410 or cell 399-1973.

Fescue hay, barn stored, 4x5 rnd, $40/bale. Chris Wood, Sanford 919-842-2126, call or text.

Peanut hay, 4x4.5 rnd, net wrapped, lots of green leaves & peanuts, excel. quality, can deliv 38 bales/load, $25 & 35, price subject to change. Larry Bullock, Greenville 252-883-4748.

'24 fescue, 4x5 rnd, in barn on pallets, $35/bale. Doug Stancil, Greensboro 336-402-8161.

Horse quality hay, deliv avail, $45/rl. H.O Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.

Fescue, sq bales, $6; rnd bales, $50. Thomas Berrier, Lexington 336-764-1051.

'24 fescue/mixed grass, 4x5 rnd, $35-$50/bale. Randy Barringer, Rockwell 704-794-4415.

Orchard grass/fescue, rnd bales, $50; orchard grass, sq bales, $7; cow hay, rnd bales, $35; lrg quantity discount. Johnny Sowers, Lexington 336-239-3020.

'24 fescue, 4x5 rnd, $50; crabgrass, 4x5 rnd, $35; '23 4x5 rnd, $30; sq bales, $4. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.

Orchard grass, Timothy, fescue, clover, 4x4, wrapped, 9-10% protein, in barn, $35/bale. R. Hanes, Glendale Springs 828-406-6365.

Boer goats, healthy & stocky, closed herd, CDT, $200-$300. Heather Davis, Greensboro 336-420-7470.

Kiko/Savanna cross doelings & bucklings, dob 4/24; adult does, yearlings to 7 y/o, established, quality bloodlines, healthy, hardy, easy keepers, $150-$300. David Ward, Burlington 336-266-1457.

Fainting goats, $150 & up. Joan Culberson, Snow Camp 919-259-6139.

Polled Hereford bull, dob 6/2/24, $1,200. Bill Barkley, Salisbury, call/text 704-918-0379 or 633 5040, home.

(3) Ossabaw/Berkshire cross boars, 1 y/o, $300 ea. Sammy Koenigsberg, Waxhaw 704-534-5582.

Pair of fainting bucks, dob 4/24, healthy, $100 ea.; sm Boer buck, dob 4/22/24, tame, healthy, traditional color, out of reg herd, $150. Dodd Linker, Clemmons 336-712-2484.

Simmental & SimAngus herd bulls, blk, polled, bred for calving ease, muscle, growth & disposition, $3,000-$4,000. William Pyle, Franklinton 919-215-5677.

Reg Angus bulls, ready for service, bred for calving ease & efficiency, good feet & disposition, $3,500 & up; reg Angus heifers avail. Steve McPherson, Snow Camp 919-444-5307.

St. Croix ewes, reg, $450 ea.; St. Croix rams, $350 ea. Valerie Cockerham, Yadkinville 336-416-2240.

F1 Blk Wagyu x Blk Angus stocker calves; steers & heifers, weaned, ready to finish for direct beef market; heifers can be breeding stock, $3,000 ea. Martha Mobley, Louisburg 919-495-1305.

Polled Hereford heifers, $2.50/lb.; polled Hereford bulls, $2.50/lb. Randy Davis, Elon 336-263-8163.

California, Silver California, Bluescales, Gambel's, 8 varieties of bobwhites; partridge, Philby, chukar, Hungarians, $6 & up. Jimmy Furr, Stanfield 704-888-0213.

Australian Blk swans & Mute swans, $600 & up; Cape Barren geese, $600 & up; Ruddy shelducks, $150 & up. Jim Simpson, Indian Trail 704-361-6497.

Yellow dragon fruit plants, vining climbing cactus, in 6 in. pots, $15 ea. Kevin Campbell, Harmony 704-775-2425. 

Sunflower seeds, huge 12-14 lb. flower, 15-18 in. diameter, SASE & $3/25 seeds; $5/50 seeds. N. Smoot, 6227 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.

Little white cucumber seeds, SASE & $1 cash/teaspoon. Jim Bostian, 6235 Riverbend Rd, Claremont, NC 28610, 828-320-2584.

Muscadine & scuppernong potted plants, healthy, 4-5 ft., several varieties, planting & fert instr incld, $25 ea. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.

Cockscomb seeds, huge blossom head, rich crimson color, 18 in. stalk, about 200 seeds, SASE & $3 cash. Barry Cox, 6225 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.

Wildlife tree seedlings, sawtooth oak, fast growing, 2–6 ft., $3-$8. Glen Parker, Olin 704-677-3458.

Rabbit cages & outdoor hutches, $20 ea., $85/all. Nathan Slabaugh, Union Grove 336-468-4933.

3-panel cement fence, +/- 200 ft., $3/ft. Tommy Sink, Lexington 336-250-4234.

Beams, various lengths/quantities, C-steel, $150; square post, $100; I-steel, $800; I-steel & L-steel angle, $450/all; (2) channel steel, 5”x12’, $250/both. Steve Yarborough, Lexington 336-225-1301. 

32 ft. aluminum ladder, $100. Bill Mintz, Iron Station 704-905-6623.

Honda 10-hp side shaft eng & 5-hp Honda eng, both run great, $200. Ben Jackson, Spring Lake 910-366-9041.

New 15-gal. pasteurizer, micro dairy design, never used, $8,000. Megan Welles, Burnsville 847-943-7954.

(100) 4x8 concrete hog slats, $50 ea. Michael Lanier, Burgaw 910-616-5884.

New & used water pumps, $200; water barrel, GC, $200. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.

Burning barrels, $10; feed barrels, $20; water totes, $75; solid top metal & plastic, $10. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.

Berkeley irrig pump, model 2-1/2 YP, 15 hp, 230v, 3 phase, 3” intake, 2-1/2” discharge, $2,250. Ted Sherrod, Kenly 919-201-8779, call/text.

Myers shallow well pump, 1 hp, w/regulator, EC, $175; cast iron wash pot, 20 gal., EC, $125. Jack Matthews, Charlotte 704-846-1903.

(2) Craft stove fireplace inserts, w/working blowers, 1 VGC, $350; 1 needs work, $100. Tim Brooks, Burlington 336-512-1139.

30 wooden fence posts, $5 ea.; 150+ plastic step-ins, $1.50 ea.; (2) 180 gal. water tanks, $100 ea.; other items. Mike Luxton, Lumberton 910-739-2534.

Turner tobacco stick cutter, made in Statesville. Randy Hall, Elizabeth City 252- 330-2294.

Miller tilt top trailer, 20-ton, lights & air brakes, $8,000. Tommy Sink, Lexington 336-250-4234.

Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., gooseneck, never used, $9,450. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.

1984 Chevy C-60, 20 ft. flatbed, 366 eng, 5-spd, hi-lo trans, $2,000. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.

2003 Dodge RAM 2500 flatbed truck, 4x4, 4-dr., diesel, deluxe pkg., 4 toolboxes, excel. running cond., 250,000 mi, recently rebuilt trans, $18,000. Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661.

16 ft. gooseneck horse trailer, good tires, $3,500 obo. H.A. Stogner Jr., Norwood 704-438-1169, call or text.

'24 Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., bumper pull, cut gate, $8,750. Y.D. Saul, Elon 336-213-6292.

Pick up truck, 2wd, automatic. Ben Jackson, Spring Lake 910-366-9041. 

January 2025 Classifieds

Tab/Accordion Items

Honeybees, 5-frame nucs & splits, Italian & Carniolian, avail March through 4/15, p/u Yadkin co, $150 ea.; discounts for 100 or more. Tim Holt, Siloam 336-710-4904.

Italian 5-frame nucs, avail 4/25, $170; 3-lb. pkgs., avail 3/25, $125; Italian queens, avail 3/25, $32. Garry Whitley, Albemarle 704-982-0698.

1958 Farmall Cub, $1,300. Woody Starnes, Waxhaw 704-242-4290.

Knieb pop-up hay loader, fits on side of trailer or truck, $475. Russ Hanes, Ashe 828-406-6365.

(2) wood splitters, $100-$500. Phil Zimmerman, Lexington 336-406-6746.

Hay spike, 3 pt, GC, $150; 3 pt scoop pan, GC, $200; (2) spring tooth harrows, GC, $200. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.

1974 Farmall 140, front & rear cults, fert distributor, GC, $6,000. Pat O'Brien, Fayetteville 910-488-2777.

Old Farmall Cub, started 3 yrs ago, may need new carb, good for parts, $1,500. Christopher Summers, Browns Summit 540-209-2162.

JD 8-bushel hopper, dump from seat, fits X700 series JD garden tractors, used little, $1,600. Don Whittington, Mt. Pleasant 704-792-5584.

8 ft. tiller, 100 hp, $1,000; 1948 Farmall H, $3,000. Richard Burrage, Concord 704-791- 3434.

2023 JD 3043D compact tractor w/front loader, series 3, 180 hrs., professionally maintained w/annual checks/oil changes/fluid top ups, $25,000. Maggie Young, Norwood 919-606-9682.

Ford 3600 diesel, 8-spd, $6,800; Ford 600 gas, Sherman trans, $3,250; 2-bottom plow, $275; 6' scrape blade, $275; NI manure spreader, $1,950; 5' bush hog, $575. Dan Cheek, Graham 336-376-9012.

1 set ag tires & wheels for 4 series compact utility tractor, from 50 hp tractor, VGC, $1,800. Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661.

Single row mulch layer/fumigation rig, 28” bed, 9” high, up to 60” rls, $4,750; mulch lifter retrofitted w/transplanter seats, w/3 sets puncher wheels, $3,500. Ted Sherrod, Kenly 919-201-8779.

JD TW harrow, 36 discs, $1,800; JD14T hay baler, $1,800; wood saw for Ford 8N tractor, $200. Bruce Sizemore, Julian 336-549-0884.

Aerator plugger for riding mower, inclds wgts for top of aerator, $195; Scotts push spreader, $30. G. Stowe, Graham 336-675-0466.

Tricycle tractor, FC, been sitting, $2,200 obo. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.

Hay spike, 3 pt, $100. Jim Odette, Apex 919-362-9341.

AC 333 no till planter or parts w/rnd seed hoppers. Jack Simpson, Todd 704-242-0763.

AC D-10 w/cults, series III, 3 pt, not running ok, reasonable price. David Lloyd, Wake Forest 984-218-2566.

Used/scrap harrow discs, 50 pieces needed. Jared Yates, Hickory 828-308-1543.

2 front wheels for AC WD-45 tractor, 600 x 16. Eugene Tucker, Denton 336-963-9325 or Ty Trogdon, 336-943-3062.

Vert & horiz mowing, ponds, dams, shooting lanes, reclaiming property, fence lines, $85/hr. + deliv of equip. Roger McKenzie, Jackson Springs 910-528-2293.

Elect./fence box repair, zareba, tsc, afw, ssc, parmak, $20/hr. Bobby Nichols, N. Wilkesboro 336-927-2850.

Lawn mower/tractor repair, garden tillers, other sm eng & outdoor power equip, in Alexander & surrounding co; 45+ yrs. exp., can p/u & deliv, $30-$60/hr. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521.  

Hunting land to lease in Guilford or So. Rockingham co, private lease for only me & my family; deer, turkey, coyote & any game birds. Tom Flanagan, Greensboro 336-706-1222, flanagans712@msn.com.

Fescue, spring ‘24 cutting, 4x4 ½  rnd, $40/bale. Kenneth Dobbins, Reidsville 743-244-0388.

2024 fescue/mixed grass, 4x4 rls, barn stored, fields fert & limed, $30/bale; 10 or more, $32/bale, cash only. Kent Lambeth, Winston Salem 336-209-8962. 


2024 corn silage, 175 tons, deliv avail, $75/ton. Logan Kluttz, Salisbury 704-680-7196.

Fescue, 4x5 rnd, barn stored, $40/bale. Chris Wood, Sanford 919-842-2126, call/text.

Hay, 4x5 rls, stored inside, $40/rl. Larry Hicks, Staley 336-708-0152.

Orchard grass/fescue, 4x5 rl, horse quality, sheltered, no rain/weeds, $50/rl; mixed grass, 4x5 rl, sheltered, no rain, $40-$45/rl; local deliv avail. Jay Hohn, Archdale 336-289-3686.

Fescue, crab grass & rye grass, 4x5 rnd, $30-$50; fescue, sq bales, $4 ea. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.

Alfalfa hay, horse quality, kept dry, $12/bale, $60/rl. Phil Zimmerman, Lexington 336-406-6746.

Fescue, orchard grass, clover, timothy, no rain, barn kept, $6/sq bale; 4x4 rnd, $35/bale. Russ Hanes, Glendale Springs 828-406-6365.

Fescue/orchard grass, 4x5 rnd, in barn, $30/bale. Larry York, Staley 336-824-2077.

2024 horse quality Coastal Bermuda hay, $125 bales left, $8 ea. Gary White, Sanford   919-775-9769.

Fescue, 4x5 rnd, barn kept, '24 hay, $45/bale; '23 hay, $35/bale; '24 sq bale, $6.50/bale. Don Shew, Harmony 704-662-2640.

Orchard grass hay, ’24 cut,  sm sq bales, horse quality, $9/bale; ’24 fescue, 4x5 rnd, $50/bale; small sq, $7/bale. Johnny Harrison, Salisbury 704-213-0857.

Rye straw $5.25/bale. Martin Moss, Concord 704-783-8366.

Orchard grass hay, no rain, sq bales, 40+lbs., around 500 left, $9/bale. Kenneth Chilton, Pilot Mtn 336-374-2410 or cell 399-1973.

Peanut hay, rnd bales, net wrapped, can deliv 38 bales/load, $30/bale. Larry Bullock, Greenville 252-883-4748.

Orchard grass/fescue/Timothy/clover mix grass hay, spring ’24 cut, horse quality, lrg sq, $7.50/bale; rnd, $55/bale. Elizabeth Macdonald, Blanch 336-459-6776.

Hay, 4x5 rnd, fert, weed free, no rain, sheltered, cow quality, $35/bale; horse quality, $40/bale. Alice Davis, Salisbury 704-855-4930.

Coastal hay, horse quality, 4x5 rnd, $50/bale. Travis Lookabill, Wadesboro 704-690-0411.

Fescue hay, 4x5 rnd, in barn, $35/bale. Roger Drum, Statesville 704-880-7006. 

Fescue, sq bales, $6; rnd bales, $50. Thomas Berrier, Lexington 336-764-1051.

Mixed grass, 20 rnd bales, $35 ea. B.R. Ferguson, Charlotte 704-591-2944.

'24 fescue/mixed grass, no rain, 4x5 rnd, $35-$50/bale. Randy Barringer, Rockwell 704-794-4415.

Fescue/mixed grass, 4x5, net wrap, stored inside, deliv avail, $45/bale. Frankie Shoffner, Liberty 336-339-5961.

Kiko/Savanna cross doelings & bucklings, dob 4/24; adult does, yearlings to 7 y/o, established, quality bloodlines, healthy, hardy, easy keepers, $150-$300. David Ward, Burlington 336-266-1457.

Bred Ossabaw Island gilts, 18 m/o, $600 ea.; OI boars, 1-2 y/o, $500 ea.; heritage cross open sows, breeding age, $750 ea.; boars avail. Eliza MacLean, Snow Camp 919-218-4361, text. 

Polled Hereford bull, dob 6/2/24, $1,200. Bill Barkley, Salisbury 704-918-0379, call/text; or 633-5040.

Reg Hereford bull, dob 2/24, $1,900. Kent Beck, Lexington 336-247-1179.

Santa Gertrudis cattle, 6 m/o, $1,000 & up; breeding bulls, $2,000 & up; pairs, $3,000 & up. Charles O’Bryant III, Reidsville 336-908-0276.

St. Croix ewes, reg, $450 ea.; St. Croix rams, $350 ea. Valerie Cockerham, Yadkinville 336-416-2240.

Charolais bulls & heifers, polled, gentle, reg sires, 7 mos & up, $1,500 & up. Johnny Harrison, Salisbury 704-213-0857.

(6) Jersey heifers, full blood, 1/1/2 y/o, not bred, had shots, $2,000 each nego. Larry Bullock, Greenville 252-883-4748.

ND goats, bred for great milkers, friendly pets; spring babies, $125; yearling doe w/blue eyes, $150; does, $150; Wethers, reg bucks & bred does avail. Karey Brindle, Mt. Pleasant 704-960-7342.

Nubians, good blood lines, disbudded, friendly, dob 5/24; bucks, can be ADGA reg, $250; reg does, $375. Ken Burton, Pisgah Forest 828-553-2672.

SimAngus herd bulls, blk, polled, bred for calving ease, muscle, growth & disposition, $3,000-$4,000.  William Pyle, Franklinton 919-215-5677.

Reg Angus bulls, ready for service, calving ease & efficiency, good feet & disposition, $3,500 & up; reg Angus heifers avail, ready to breed. Steve McPherson, Snow Camp 919-444-5307.

Jersey milk cow w/3rd bull calf born 11-7-24, hand milk or machine milk; will sell together or separate, $1,450 for pair obo. Tim Hochstetler, Salisbury 704-798-9505, call or text.

F1 Blk Wagyu x Blk Angus stocker calves; steers & heifers, weaned, ready to finish for direct beef market; heifers can be breeding stock, $3,000 ea. Martha Mobley, Louisburg 919-495-1305.

Nubian doe, in milk or kidding soon, unreg ok, clean tested. Chelsea Thomas, Walnut Cove 336-817-1502.

Hereford hogs or pigs; Ossabaw hogs or pigs. Milton Upchurch, Kenly 919-631-8392. 

California, Silver California, Bluescales, Gambel's, 8 varieties of bobwhites; partridge, Philby, chukar, Hungarians, $6 & up. Jimmy Furr, Stanfield 704-888-0213.

Chore-Time male feeder for 400 ft. house, $1,000; (2) plastic tanks, 1,200 gal., $400 ea.; Acme fans, 36/48/50 in., $150-$350; nest pads, $1. William Fox, Hiddenite 828-312-9736.

Australian Blk swans & Mute swans, $600 & up; Cape Barren geese, $600 & up; Ruddy shelducks, $150 & up. Jim Simpson, Indian Trail 704-361-6497.

Mature breeding stock, Ayam Cemani chickens, $20 ea.; Serama bantams, $10 ea. Joe Snow, Thurmond 336-648-5997.

Barred rock rooster & 1 or 2 deep keel Rouen drakes, w/in 150 mi of Thurmond.  J Haynes, Thurmond 336-466-4993, text.

Poultry breeder house to lease in Alexander or surrounding co, 400 ft. or larger, GC, ready to use; may consider partnership, prefer Mount Aire contract. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521. 

Old style hanging chicken feeder, need 20 or more. Joe Snow, Thurmond 336-648-5997.

Rabbiteye blueberry plants, 2 y/o, lrg, healthy, Climax, Tifblue, Premier, Powderblue, Brightwell, $10 ea. Michael Roberson, Trinity 336-862-3488.

Sunflower seeds, old timey type w/huge 12-14 lb. flower, 15-18 in. diameter, SASE & $3/25 seeds; $5/50 seeds. N. Smoot, 6227 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.

Potted scuppernong & muscadine vines, 5-6 ft., healthy, fert & planting instr incld, $25. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.      

Asparagus crowns, 2 y/o, for early 2025 planting, prefer purple. Linda Stamat, Winston Salem 336-757-6983.

New & used water pumps,$200; water barrel, GC, $200. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.

Outside rabbit hutches & inside cages, $15-$30 or $80/all. Nathan Slabaugh, Union Grove 336-468-4933.

Porter 2 head shaper, 3 phase, $700; Ecco doub shaft flapper sander, 3 phase, $125; Westinghouse 125 hp 3 phase 1180 RPM 580-S frame, $700. Eddie Moretz, Deep Gap 828-963-0883.

Train jack, $100; (2) truck toolboxes, $100 ea.; metal pipe, 20 in. x 20 ft., $200. Jim Odette, Apex 919-362-9341.

Water totes, $75; feed barrels, $20; solid top metal & plastic, $10; burning barrels, $10. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.

1984 Chevy C-60, 366 eng, 5-spd, hi/lo trans, 20 ft. flatbed, $2,000. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.

96 Kawasaki mule 4x4; (2) Honda 200 4 wheelers, pkg deal, $5,000. Richard Burrage, Concord 704-791-3434.

2003 Dodge RAM 2500 flatbed truck, 4x4, 4-dr., diesel, deluxe pkg., 4 toolboxes, excel. running cond., 250,000 mi, recently rebuilt trans, $18,000. Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661.

Thieman truck lift gate, 3,000 lbs., EC, $1,250. Eddie Moretz, Deep Gap 828-963-0883.

Calico stock trailer, bumper pull, $6,895; Ridgeline landscape trailer, $2,995. Y.D. Saul, Elon 336-213-6292.

December 2024 Classifieds

Tab/Accordion Items

Honeybees, 5-frame nucs & splits, Italian & Carniolian, avail March through April 15, p/u Yadkin co, $150 ea.; discounts for 100 or more. Tim Holt, Siloam 336-710-4904.

New bee tops, (7) avail, $15 ea.; honey tank w/stand, LN, $75; bottling bucket w/honey gate, new, $17. Andy Brown, Rockwell 704-279-2791.

Farmall 140, turning plow, disc, cults, torsion blade, carryall, sickle mowing machine, $5,500. Stuart Matthews, Mt Airy 336-325-5239.

King Cutter rotary cutter, 5 ft., rated for 40hp, no leaks, no rust, sheltered when not in use, $1,100. Bruce Gragg, Newton 828-465-3715.

Bush Hog brand finish mower, model ATH 720, 72 in., $700 obo. David Christenbury, Harrisburg 919-633-0931.

Ford 6610 tractor w/Dunham loader, motor stuck, $4,500. Bennett Bradley, Tarboro 252-230-0460.

1977 Ford 7710 tractor w/777 loader, inclds bucket, forks & spear, $17,000. Graham Broadwell, Blanch 336-694-3249.

Gill rollover box blade, good edge, new rippers, $350; Tarter 5’ bush hog, GC, $500. Jason Mecum, Walkertown 336-528-3566.

NH 848 rnd baler w/computer box, GC, $3,000 obo. H.A. Stogner Jr., Norwood 704-438-1169, call or text.

Single row mulch layer/fumigation rig, 28” bed, 9” high, up to 60” rls, $4,750; mulch lifter, retrofitted w/transplanter seats, w/3 sets puncher wheels, $3,500. Ted Sherrod, Kenly 919-201-8779.

1 set ag tires & wheels for 4 Series compact utility tractor, from 50hp tractor, VGC, $1,800. Call/text Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661.

Krone 4-basket tedder, $7,500; IH 450 3-bottom plow, $1,300; gravity wagon, $2,000; 8 ft. scrape blade, $900. Gerald Rayle, Pleasant Garden 336-382-3732.

AC D-17 diesel, ps, GC, $3,950; Intl 464 diesel, ps, GC, $4,950. Rodney Cheek, Graham 336-376-3754.

Farm Hand feed mill, $1,000; Little Giant wooden grain wagon, $300. Murray Cohen, Pittsboro 919-742-4433.

Hay rake, 4-wheel, fair cond, $450. David Lomax, Denton 336-688-5313.

Creep feeder, 4-hole, GC, $700; 3-bale hay wagon, GC, $1,000. James Lowe, Siler City 336-622-2954.

3-bottom trip plow, $550; 1-bottom plow for Super A, $200; 9 ft. King harrow, 28-disc, $1,050. Randy Davis, Elon 336-263-8163.

Zaga 750 fert spreader, $700; (3) hay wagons, $500 & up; (2) clamp on duals, 18.4x34, $800/both. Roy Watts, Trinity 336-382-2744.

8-wheel rake, $7,000; Case Intl hay cutter, 9 ft., $6,000; hay rake, $1,500; bale loader, $500; JD hay conditioner, $800; sq hay baler, $6,000; other equip. Henry Currie, Ellerbe 910-334-0404.

Hay spike, 3 pt, GC, $150; scoop pan, 3 pt, GC, $200; (2) spring tooth harrows, GC, $200. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.

IH 510 grain drill, 16 drops, floatation tires, $2,800; IH 140 tractor, cults, fert attach., hopper, $7,500; 2018 JD 5045, 2wd, 46hp, $17,500. Michael Nardo, Jackson Springs 910-281-3522 or 992-1405.

JD 8-bushel hopper, dump from seat, fits X700 series lawn & garden tractor, used 2 wks, $1,600. Don Whittington, Mt. Pleasant 704-792-5584.

Long 445 tractor w/4 attach., $4,000 obo. James Smith, Salisbury 704-645-1450.

Fred Cain tiller, 9-shank, 3 pt, $675; 7 ft. Bush Hog harrow, $2,150; hvy duty Rhino box blade, $1,500. Edward Lewis, Gibsonville 336-516-2632.

Pig feeder, clean, some rust, 100 lbs. capacity, 2 feeder doors, used 1 summer, $125. Gene George, Louisburg 919-939-4234.

Metal brake, 4 ft., $100; hood for 8N, $125; grill guard for 8N, $25; other items. Joe Leatherman, Lincolnton 704-308-2639.

AC 333 no till planter/parts; need rnd metal seed hopper units. Jack Simpson, Todd 704-242-0763.

NH 271 sq baler, for parts or running cond. Wayne Godfrey, Cherryville 704-435-1266.

1-row corn picker, pull type, in working shape. Tyler Dunn, Robbins 336-963-4018.

AC pull-type # 40 combine, any cond; Simplicity 648 lawn tractor. Reid Ledbetter, Olin 704-539-5353.

Ford 7610 or 7810 tractor, or NH. Larry Hales, Autryville 910-624-4147.

Hay spear, 3 pt. Ron Peters, Reidsville 336-280-6111.

David Bradley walking tractor w/reverse, running or not, or parts & pieces to put reverse on Bradley walking tractor. Randy McDonald, Ellerbe 910-652-3555 or 206-4169.

Vert & horiz mowing, ponds, dams, shooting lanes, reclaiming property,

fence lines, $85/hr.+ deliv of equip. Roger McKenzie, Jackson Springs 910-528-2293.

Energizer repair, afw, zareba, tsc, ssc, parmak, $20/hr. Bobby Nichols N. Wilkesboro    336-927-2850. 

Lawn mower/tractor repair, garden tillers, other sm eng & outdoor power equip, in Alexander & surrounding co; 45+ yrs. exp., can p/u & deliv, $30-$60/hr. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521.  

65 ac for lease in Martin co, deer, turkey, mink, 50 wooded w/hunt paths; hunt insurance required, $10/ac. William Modlin, Jamesville 252-792-7709.

Farms in the Piedmont to hunt coyotes only, ref. avail. Matt Sink, Midway 336-978-5956.

Hay, 4x5 rnd, stored inside, $40/bale. Larry Hicks, Staley 336-708-0152.

Fescue, at barn, $55/bale; mixed grass, at barn, $40/bale. B.R. Ferguson, Charlotte 704-591-2944.

Orchard grass/fescue, 1st & 2nd cutting, horse quality, no rain, 45-50 lbs., sq bales, $6/bale; 4x5 rnd, $50/bale; lot pricing avail. Marshall Ratliff, Reidsville 336-280-6615.

Coastal Bermuda hay, 4x4 rnd, horse quality, stored under shelter, $40 & $45/bale. Dan Lancaster, Pikeville 919-222-6853. 

Horse hay, orchard/timothy mix; cow quality, multiple grades, all mixed grass, dry storage, deliv avail, sq bales, $13; rnd bales, $55-$125. Jason Davis, Mills River 828-890-5316.

Fescue/orchard grass, spring cut, 4x5 rnd, stored in barn, $30 ea. Larry York, Staley 336-824-2077.

2024 fescue/mixed grass, barn stored, fields fert & limed, 4x4 rnd, $30 ea.; 10 or more, $32 ea., cash only. Kent Lambeth, Winston Salem 336-209-8962.

Fescue hay, rnd bales, 4x5, in barn, $40/bale. Roger Drum, Statesville 704-880-7006.   

Bermuda hay, rnd bales, around 800 lbs., good quality, sheltered, $35 ea. David Smith, Fayetteville 910-850-8715, drsmith2221@gmail.com.

Orchard grass/fescue, 4x5 rls, horse quality, stored under shelter, no rain/weeds, $50/rl; mixed grass, 4x5 rls, sheltered, no rain, $40-$45/rl; local deliv avail. Jay Hohn, Archdale 336-289-3686.

Coastal hay, horse quality, 4x5 rnd, $50. Travis Lookabill, Wadesboro 704-690-0411.

Fescue hay, good qualitystored inside on pallets, 4x5 rnd, $40/bale; sq, $7/bale. Todd Brown, Ramseur 336-318-5131.

Fescue hay, 4x5, net wrapped, $40/bale. Graham Broadwell, Blanch 336-694-3249.

Bermuda hay, horse quality, barn stored, clean, no weeds, rain, animal litter or preservatives, sq, $8/bale; 4x5 rnd, $80/bale, cash or Zelle only. Victoria Rehder, Lillington 910-964-0087, call/text. 

2024 Coastal Bermuda hay, horse quality, 125 bales avail, $8/bale. Gary White, Sanford 919-775-9769.

'24 fescue, horse quality, 4x5 rnd, $50/bale; sm sq, $7/bale; '23 fescue, sm sq, $5/bale; '24 orchard grass, horse quality, sm sq, $9/bale; 4x5 rnd, $60/bale. Johnny Harrison, Salisbury 704-213-0857.

Hay, 4x5 rnd, fert, weed free, no rain, sheltered, cow quality, $35/bale; horse quality, $40/bale. Alice Davis, Salisbury 704-855-4930.

Orchard grass hay, no rain, sq bales, 40+lbs., around 700 avail, $9/per bale. Kenneth Chilton, Pilot Mtn 336-374-2410 or 399-1973.

2024 mixed hay, no rain, min. purchase 25 bales, $6/bale. Vernon Hill, Mt. Pleasant 980-621-5091. 

Horse quality hay, deliv avail, $45/bale. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.

Fescue, 4x5, sheltered, $40/bale. David Lomax, Denton 336-688-5313.

Fescue & orchard grass, $6/sq bale. Sylvia Reid, Welcome 336-731-4015.

Fescue, sq bales, $6 ea.; rnd bales, $50 ea. Thomas Berrier, Lexington 336-764-1051.

Orchard grass/fescue, $50/rnd bale; orchard grass, $7/sq bale; cow hay, $35/rnd bale; lrg quantity discount. Johnny Sowers, Lexington 336-239-3020.

Fescue, 4x5 rnd, horse quality, $50/bale; cow quality, $30/bale; sq bales, $4/bale. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.

Peanut hay, rnd bales, net wrapped, can deliv 42 bales/load, in field, $35 ea.; sheltered, $40 ea. Larry Bullock, Greenville 252-883-4748.

Western saddle, TexTan AQHA Collection, 16" seat, GC, $300. Lynn Scholz, Pilot Mtn 336-368-3050.

Kiko/Savanna cross doelings & bucklings, dob 4/24; adult does, yearlings to 7 y/o; established, quality bloodlines, healthy, hardy, easy keepers, $150-$300. David Ward, Burlington 336-266-1457.

Fainting goats, $150 & up. Joan Culberson, Snow Camp 919-259-6139.

Intact hog, 50/50 Red Wattle-Duroc, 375-400 lbs., $400. John Wilkinson, Maiden 704-380-5451.

8 reg Angus heifers, 1/2 sisters, same sire group, born 11/23/23 thru 1/9/24, vaccs, de-wormed; 1 Angus bull & 4 bulls to choose from, $24,000. Steve McPherson, Snow Camp 919-444-5307.

Santa Gertrudis cattle, 6 m/o, $1,500 & up; breeding bulls, $2,000 & up; pairs, $3,000 & up. Charles O’Bryant III, Reidsville 336-908-0276.

SimAngus herd bulls, blk, polled, bred for calving ease, muscle, growth & disposition, $3,000-$4,000. William Pyle, Franklinton 919-215-5677.

ND goats, bred for being great milkers, friendly pets; spring babies, $125; yearlings, doe w/blue eyes, $150; does, $150. Karey Brindle, Mt. Pleasant 704-960-7342.

Charolais bulls & heifers, purebred, polled, gentle, reg sires, 7 mos & up, $1,250 & up. Johnny Harrison, Salisbury 704-213-0857.

Kune piglets, gilts & barrows, can be AKKPS reg, $150-$400; 18 m/o Kune Kunes also avail, $400-$650. Grant Sainsbury, Snow Camp 919-601-7844.

Reg St. Croix ewes, $450 ea.; St. Croix rams, $350 ea. Valerie Cockerham, Yadkinville 336-416-2240.

Polled Hereford heifer & bull, $2.50/lb. Randy Davis, Elon 336-263-8163.

Blk fainting buck, full blood, 7 y/o, gentle, easy to handle, good breeder, $200. Deck McCain, Nashville 252-452-5447.

3 pairs Red Golden Pheasant1 pair Swinhoe pheasant, $75/pair; extra Red males, $30. Posie Guthrie, Pfafftown 336-413-0038.

California, Silver California, Bluescales, Gambel’s, 8 breeds of bobwhites; partridge, Philby, chukar, Hungarians, $6 & up. Jimmy Furr, Stanfield 704-888-0213.

Australian blk swans & Mute swans, $600 & up; Cape Barren geese, $600 & up; Ruddy shelducks, $150 & up. Jim Simpson, Indian Trail 704-361-6497.

Bourbon Red turkeys, 6 m/o, $100/pair; extra hens avail. Greg Shell, Hudson 828-850-1072.

Bobwhite quail, $6 ea. Richard Hix, Olin 704-437-1574.

Poultry breeder house to lease in Alexander or surrounding co, 400 ft. or larger, GC, ready to use; may consider partnership, prefer Mount Aire contract. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521. 

Rabbiteye blueberry plants, 2 y/o, lrg, healthy, Climax, Tifblue, Premier, Powderblue, Brightwell, $10 ea. Michael Roberson, Trinity 336-862-3488.

Sunflower seeds, old timey type w/huge 12-14 lb. flower, 15-18 in. diameter, SASE & $3/25 seeds; $5/50 seeds. N. Smoot, 6227 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.

Cockscomb seeds, huge blossom head, rich crimson color, 18 in. stalk, about 200 seeds, SASE & $3 cash. Barry Cox, 6225 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.

Potted scuppernong & muscadine vines, healthy, 5-6 ft., fert & planting instr incld, $25 ea. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.   

Evergreen trees, Green Giants, Alberta Spruce, Emerald Green Arborvitae, Leyland Cypress, 22” to 59” high, ready for fall planting, $12, $16, $21. David Gabriel, Elon 336-260-1298.

Myers shallow well pump, 1hp, w/regulator, EC, $175; cast iron wash pot, 20 gal., EC, $125. Jack Matthews, Charlotte 704-846-1903.

Totes, $75 ea.; feed barrels w/rings, $20 ea; trash barrels w/rings, $10 ea.; metal burning barrels, $10 ea.; discount for more than 10. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.

White oak lumber boards, rough sawn, (45) 1" bds, 9' long, 5"-10" width, 270 +/- BF, dry stacked, $6.50/BF. Kenneth Shoffner, Burlington 336-266-7675.

Westinghouse 9500 generator, 20 ft. power cord, battery, remote start, $795. Don Clabough, High Point 336-889-2692.

Square D manual transfer switch, commercial grade, 200 amp, $350. Donnie Eatmon, Middlesex 919-614-7010.

Water pumps, new & used, $250; water barrel, GC, $200. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.

Horse trailer, 16 ft., gooseneck, good tires, $3,000 obo. H.A. Stogner Jr., Norwood 704-438-1169, call or text.

2003 Dodge RAM 2500 flatbed truck, 4x4, 4-dr., diesel, deluxe pkg., 4 toolboxes, excel. running cond, 250,000 mi, recently rebuilt trans, $18,000. Call/text Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661.

2023 Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., gooseneck, never used, $9, 650. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.

All metal truck body, 14 ft., metal sides, $1,200. Jimmie Walker, Edward 252-670-6071.

1984 Chevy C-60, 20 ft. flatbed, 366 eng, 5-spd hi-lo trans, $2,000. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.

2001 4-Star 2-horse trailer, slant load, gooseneck, used little, sheltered, EC, $9,500. Dan Fritz, Bahama 919-740-5533.

2024 Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., bumper pull, cut gate, $8,750. Y.D. Saul, Elon 336-213-6292.

2-horse trailer, bumper pull & ramp access preferred. Grant Sainsbury, Snow Camp 919-601-7844, call or text.

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