Ivy Lanier

Superintendent - Peanut Belt Research Station

112 Research Station Lane
Lewiston-Woodville, NC   27849-9564
PHONE: (252) 348-2213
FAX: (252) 348-2298

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In 1951 the General Assembly approved monies to purchase land for a research farm in northeastern North Carolina for peanut research. The NC Board of Agriculture gave additional monies and on January 28th, 1952 the Spruill farm in Lewiston was purchased as the new peanut test farm. Today, the station encompasses 372 acres of land, of which 265 is suitable for crop production.  There are approximately 146 acres that contain research plots with 114 acres used for crop rotational purposes. Irrigation pond is 7 acres at depth of 12ft. Infrastructure covers 75 acres and 24 acres are in wood lands containing pines. Seventy percent of all peanuts grown in NC are within a 60-mile radius of PBRS.



In order to carry out an effective and efficient research program, we maintain 24 buildings and support structures with a contingent of accessories. Main structures include an office building, maintenance shop, fertilizer storage, peanut dryers, grain bin and equipment storage sheds.

A walk-in freezer, which was donated by the N.C. Peanut Growers Association, is used to store more than 12,000 lines of seed for possible future use.

Irrigation infrastructure that allows for water supply to irrigate all fields under cultivation. Test fields includes one of three in NC for testing phosphorus requirements and one of two in NC for testing potassium requirement.


Community Partnership

The station was established in 1952 for the purpose of conducting research on peanuts, cotton, corn, soybeans, small grain, vegetables and other crops potentially important to the region. PBRS provides equipment, personnel, expertise, land, pesticides, fertilizers, and facilities for the research and demonstrations conducted at this location. PBRS is utilized by agricultural researchers and state officials to introduce both in-state and out-of state visitors to new agricultural information, provide solutions for consumers’ questions, and for crop production at the lowest possible cost. Scientists at NCSU utilize their research here to educate farmers, students, staff and industry personnel.



Our Annual Peanut Field Day is held on the first Thursday following Labor Day each year. 2021 has marked the 69th annual field day. The station hosts other events throughout the year.


NCDA&CS Research Stations Division, Teresa Lambert, Director

Mailing Address: 1001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1001

Physical Address:2 W. Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC 27601

Phone: (919) 707-3236  FAX: (919) 733-1754

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