Research Programs


Field Crops

Corn genetic studies evaluate breeding lines, yields, diseases, lodging, grain quality and drydown. Commercial varieties are evaluated for yield, lodging, and maturity. Field corn insect, weed and fertility studies are also of ongoing importance. Soybean breeding lines are evaluated for yield, disease, insect resistance, lodging and shattering. Other studies of soybeans include official variety test of commercial varieties for similar agronomic characteristics. Small grain studies include breeding research, investigation of the Cereal Leaf Beetle and fertility. Other agronomic tests look at the relationships among tilling, fertility, and yields. Cotton research includes insect studies and weed control on organic soils.  Long-term studies of grain cropping systems involve corn, soybeans, and wheat, along with tillage, water level control, fertility and the measurement of cropping inputs in ground water through a system of wells and tile drains. Other activities include Irish potato breeding, cabbage, Global Positioning Systems and Precision Farming, screening rice varieties and Fescue grass fertilization.



The beef cattle program is moving to a forage-based stocker program. The stocker cattle will arrive in the spring of the year and graze different research forages through the summer and fall. Data will be collected on the steers throughout the trial period and in the fall the steers will be sold at auction or retain ownership through the feed out period for carcass analysis. Swine studies from a 200-sow herd of white line/black line breeds develop and evaluate maternal and paternal lines using litter size, weight and lean growth as selection criteria.



A state-of-the art glass and masonry headhouse/greenhouse was completed in 1995 and serves the N.C. State University faculty located at the Vernon G. James Research and Extension Center located on the station grounds. Current studies conducted there include Irish potato breeding, cabbage diseases, cotton insects, bT corn insects, blackberries, blueberries and soil fertility of cereal grain crops.


Water, Forestry

Major studies of agriculture and forestry water quality are being conducted. Quantity and quality of all inputs which include both naturally occurring and production inputs are measured. Ground water contamination and input movements are observed.




NCDA&CS Research Stations Division, Teresa Lambert, Director

Mailing Address: 1001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1001

Physical Address:2 W. Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC 27601

Phone: (919) 707-3236  FAX: (919) 733-1754