Soil & Water - Supervisor Training Program
NC General Statute 139-7.2 includes training requirements for district supervisors:

Program rules are outlined in North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Title 02, Chapter 59, SubChapter A. These rules dictate Basic Training, continuing training requirements, supervisor training credits, supervisor removal procedures, and more.
The NC Soil & Water Conservation Commission has approved education guidelines and criteria governing course eligibility and approved credit hours for local district supervisors to achieve the training requirements. The Commission has delegated authority to the Division of Soil & Water Conservation to administer and market the program, including awarding and tracking approved credit hours or "Supervisor Training Credits" (STCs) according to established criteria. The Commission retains authority to consider appeals for decisions to deny or limit approved STCs, as requested by local soil and water conservation district supervisors.
To be approved for STCs, the course or event shall include content related to one of two training topics, as listed in NC General Statute 139-7.2:
- Soil, water, and natural resources conservation
- Duties and responsibilities of district supervisors
In general, education topics dealing with the overall operations of soil and water conservation districts will qualify for STCs. Educational topics directly relating to almost any aspect of supervisor duties or responsibilities will be considered for approval. Learning about the responsibilities of the district board is considered training; executing the responsibilities of the district board is not considered training. Learning about opportunities in which the district may engage, or how the district may operate to take advantage of opportunities is considered training; district engagement is not considered training.
In keeping with the training considerations approved by the Commission, the following courses can be approved for STCs:
Date | Course | STCs Approved |
January, annually | NCASWCD Annual Meeting | varies, depending upon conference activities |
January & February, annually | Basic Training | 6.0 STCs |
February & March, annually | NCASWCD Area Spring Meetings | varies, depending upon meeting agendas |
October & November, annually | NCASWCD Area Fall Meetings | varies, depending upon meeting agendas |
In general, STCs are awarded for the NCASWCD Annual Meeting, Basic Training for Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisors, NCASWCD Area Spring and Fall Meetings, and local training opportunities. Contact your Regional Coordinator to discuss local training activities that may be approved for credit; in general, these will be district or partnership sponsored, and not individual supervisor activities.
All supervisors, whether elected or appointed, are required to secure a minimum of six (6) STCs per term. The period for this requirement is the first Monday in December, through the first Monday in December four years later. Credit is assigned on the basis of one (1) STC being equal to one (1) hour of instruction; there is a 15 minute minimum and STCs are approved in quarter hour increments.
Supervisors are responsible to verify the STC hours awarded for their training activities. Reports of STCs achieved are posted below and are updated at least quarterly:
Term | STC Report - date posted online |
2024-2028 STC Report | posted 03.26.25 |
2022-2026 STC Report | posted 03.26.25 |