Soil & Water - About the Division

The division provides programs, trainings, and technical and engineering services promoting voluntary natural resource management and conservation on the private lands of NC through a non-regulatory, incentive-driven approach.
Working with federal, state and local partners, the division administers a comprehensive statewide program to protect and conserve the state's soil and water resources through General Statue 139. The division serves as staff for the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission to help deliver conservation programs at the local level by providing leadership and assistance in locally-led conservation of the state's 96 local soil and water conservation districts.
The division provides financial, technical and educational assistance to districts, landowners, agricultural producers and the general public by delivering programs in nonpoint source pollution management including cost share funding for installation of best management practices and securement of conservation easements; technical assistance in engineering, soils, conservation planning, nutrient and animal waste management; and technical trainings for professional development.
To foster voluntary, incentive-driven management of soil, water and related natural resources for the benefit of the environment, economy and all citizens.
The division is recognized as having one of the nation's top soil and water conservation programs for private lands. This effort is achieved through a conservation partnership comprised of the state division, local soil and water conservation districts and the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service, as well as private and nonprofit entities. The partnership is successful in putting conservation measures on the ground across the NC landscape, largely due to the strong local district infrastructure.
Developed by the North Carolina Conservation Partnership, which consists of the division, the NRCS, the commission and soil and water conservation districts, the vision, strengths and values help drive the mission of the partnership.
Vision: A dynamic partnership committed to quality leadership and customer service for the conservation of our natural resources.
Strengths: Legislative support, technical knowledge, organization for local delivery of progams, credible history of quality programming, trusted by clients and customers.
The Partnership values:
- voluntary, incentive based programs
- diversity in the partnership
- clean water
- conservation as an investment in the future
- productive agriculture being environmentally compatible
- opportunities to provide assistance
- full respect for the partnership.
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