Soil & Water - ACSP Technical Review Committee

The Technical Review Committee (TRC) provides technical advice to the commission on best management practices (BMPs) and assists the Nonpoint Source Pollution Section in developing average costs for the Cost Share Program. General Statute 106-852 requires the TRC to meet regularly to review the progress of the Agriculture Cost Share Program.

District involvement and participation are very important to the TRC, and the TRC often solicits input by the districts on various issues, including types of BMPs, BMP specifications and average costs. Supervisors, district staff and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) personnel have a standing invitation to attend TRC meetings and participate in the discussions. If you have any issues you would like the committee to address, please contact John Beck or any of the members listed below.

Tab/Accordion Items

John Beck, ChairDivision of Soil and Water Conservation
Erin RiversCooperative Extension Service/ NC State University
Niroj AryalN.C. A & T State University
Dianne FarrerN. C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Starla HarwoodFarm Service Agency
Anne CoanN. C. Farm Bureau Federation
Dewitt HardeeN. C. State Grange
Brandon KingState Resource Conservationist, NRCS
Jim KjelgaardState Conservation Engineer, NRCS
Rachel SmithDivision of Soil and Water Conservation
Rick McSwainDivision of Soil and Water Conservation
Anne DeatonDivision of Marine Fisheries
Benjy StropeWildlife Resources Commission
Rodney WrightRockingham Soil and Water Conservation District Employee
David HarrisDurham Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor

All meetings are on Wednesdays from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Meeting Date                                            Meeting Link                           Meeting Documents           
August 28, 2024Join the meeting now



October 23, 2024

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting



December 18, 2024Join the meeting now Agenda
February 26, 2025  
April 23, 2025  
May 28, 2025  
June 25, 2025  
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