Soil & Water - AgWRAP Review Committee
The Agricultural Water Resources Assistance Program Review Committee (ARC) provides technical and programmatic recommendations to the Commission on best management practices (BMPs) and average costs for AgWRAP. The ARC hosts triannual meetings.
District involvement and participation are very important to the ARC, and the ARC often solicits input by the districts on various issues, including types of BMPs, BMP specifications, and average costs. Supervisors, district employees, and partnership staff have a standing invitation to attend ARC meetings and participate in the discussions. If you have any issues you would like the committee to address or would like to be included for the next meeting, please contact the AgWRAP Coordinator.
Upcoming ARC Meetings:
October 14, 2024 at 1pm
February 10, 2025 at 1pm
July 14, 2025 at 1pm (tentative)