We sometimes receive questions concerning our need to inspect propane tanks at residences and businesses. While there are advantages to owning your own propane tank, there are also responsibilities associated with that ownership. 

The main focus and reason for these inspections is safety. This includes the condition of the tank and where it is located in relation to other structures, properties and equipment. Rather than sharing all of the details of our responsibilities and the owner’s responsibilities, I will share some basic information here and invite you to visit some of the links on the previous page.

The authority and basis of our inspections come from:
• General Statute § 119-57, as enacted by the General Assembly, which both authorizes and makes it the responsibility of the Department of Agriculture to perform inspections related to LP-Gas.
• Our inspections are mostly based on the LP-Gas Code, NFPA-58, as adopted by reference.
• Propane tanks must conform to generally-accepted standards so they are not a hazard.
• There are no inspection fees associated with an inspection.

The inspection process involves:
• The inspector meeting the owner, if possible, and recording or verifying the location and contact information.
• Performing the inspection, noting if certain requirements are not met.
• Notifying the owner of any violations verbally, if possible, and sending an inspection report via mail or email
• The inspection report details the findings, including what items must be corrected.
• A notice of violation letter will be issued by this office with the owner of the tank being responsible for seeing that corrections are made. Your propane supplier may be able to assist you.
• Extensions for correcting violations are permitted if requested in writing. Email is acceptable.
• If corrections are not made,  a warning letter then a civil penalty letter may follow if the same violations are found during a follow-up inspections.

Again, the focus is safety for you, your family and your property. If you have questions, please send us an email at standards@ncagr.gov.