Structural Pest Control and Pesticides - Structural Field Staff

The Structural Pest Control Section’s Field Operations Team is composed of two Field Managers and eleven Field Inspectors who work throughout North Carolina. Our Inspectors conduct compliance inspections of all licensed Structural Pest Control companies on at least an annual or bi-annual basis. During these routine inspections, Structural Pest Control treatments are evaluated to ensure that they were properly performed, and that control of target pest(s) has been achieved. Inspectors review pesticide labels, contracts, records, and inspect pesticide storage area(s), & service vehicles for compliance with applicable Rules, Law, and pesticide label language requirements.  This includes enforcement of the N.C. Structural Pest Control Rules & Regulations, Structural Pest Control Law, and EPA’s Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. Inspectors also perform consumer request inspections and investigate unlicensed structural pesticide operators’ illegal treatments.  Outreach assistance from Inspectors include providing a variety of training sessions to: consumer groups, the structural pest control industry and related trade associations. The combined efforts of our Field Operations Team help to ensure that the mission statement of the NCDA&CS Structural Pest Control Section is fulfilled.

Hover over your county for the local inspector and their contact information.

Structural Pest Inspector Territory Map


For questions or if additional assistance is required, please contact the NCDA&CS Structural Pest Control Section at 984-236-4625.       Directions 

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