Registered Technician School
NCDA&CS Registered Technician schools are typically offered three times a month in locations throughout the state of NC. Enrollment in the Registered Technician school is limited by the size of the host facility. The Division cannot guarantee admittance to applicants that attempt to enroll for a school less than 10 days prior to the school offering date. The cost of attendance is $25.00 (by check or money order) and can either be included with your mailed registration form or brought with you to the class you indicated on your submitted registration form. The only location able to accept cash is our Raleigh location and we cannot make change (exact payment only); RT school fees must be kept separate from other payments. The registration fee includes the cost of attendance and a mailed copy of the RT Introductory Workbook. Workbooks are required to be fully completed, signed by your trainer & licensee (if different from your trainer), and presented for inspection at school check-in or admittance will be denied.
All schools will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. and will last until 4:30 p.m.
State statute requires all new employees performing structural pest control services to complete RT school, then their licensee or non-commercial Certified Applicator must send in the RT Card Application within 75 days of hire along with the $40 fee.
Additional information concerning Structural Registered Technicians can be found on our Structural Licensing & Certification page
For companies that conduct approved In-House Registered Technician Equivalence programs, RT Workbooks can be purchased from NCDA&CS SPC&PD for a fee of $15 per book. Please email the completed workbook order form to our office.
For questions or if additional assistance is required, please contact the NCDA&CS Structural Pest Control Section at 984-236-4625. Directions
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