Veterinary - About the NCVDL System

The North Carolina Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System (NCVDLS) System was established in 1947 by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture to assist veterinarians and producers in diagnosing diseases of livestock and poultry. It is a part of the Veterinary Division. Regulatory testing is performed as required for the import, export and interstate movement of livestock and poultry. Specimens for procedures not routinely performed by the laboratory system can be outsourced to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa or other reference laboratories for testing. The number of laboratory accessions has steadily increased through the years and now includes a large percentage of companion animal submissions.

It is the mission of the NCVDLS to provide veterinarians, the animal industry and the citizens of North Carolina with accurate and timely laboratory support services in order to diagnose, conduct surveillance, and assist in responding to and preventing animal disease. Both protection of public health and the food supply are important components of this mission.

The NCVDLS is comprised of four laboratories. The central Rollins Laboratory is a full-service facility located in Raleigh. Branch laboratories are located in Elkin, Fletcher, and Monroe. The laboratories are "accredited for all species" by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD using a quality system based upon ISO 17025/OIE standards.

The NCVDLS serves as a first line of defense for the recognition and identification of intentionally or accidentally introduced agents of foreign animal disease or bioterrorism. The central Rollins Laboratory is part of the USDA’s National Animal Health Laboratory Network NAHLN with the ability to perform rapid molecular diagnostic tests for endemic animal diseases, as well as targeted surveillance and response testing for foreign animal diseases, specifically Foot and Mouth Disease, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, and Classical Swine Fever.