Our mission is to protect the health of NC poultry through regulatory animal health programs and disease testing. We provide oversight and assistance to the general public, private poultry owners, and corporate poultry owners with poultry health and regulatory questions. Responsibilities include the surveillance for, monitoring of, control of, and eradication of diseases; regulation of animal movements; inspections and testing on National Poultry Improvement Plan certified farms, markets, sales, fairs, and shows; and conducting regulatory disease testing to facilitate interstate movement and export of poultry.
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Poultry's 2022 Contribution to North Carolina
thousand jobs
billion in wages
billion in economic impact
Questions? Contact us at:
NCDA&CS – Veterinary Division, Poultry Health Programs
Email (preferred): vetpoultry@ncagr.gov
Phone: (919) 707-3250 opt 2 or (919) 707-3365