The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has a wide variety of programs and services to help farmers and landowners be more efficient, profitable and sustainable. Agribusiness, including food, fiber and forestry, is the state's top industry. The department:
- Helps farmers minimize costs and maximize yields through agronomic services, such as soil testing.
Agronomic Services Division
- Develops new domestic and international marketing opportunities.
Marketing Division
- Supports research that improves crop, livestock and timber production, increases farm efficiency and keeps farmers competitive globally.
Research Stations Division
- Protects crops and timber from destructive and invasive insects, diseases and plants.
Plant Industry Division, N.C. Forest Service
- Collects, prepares and distributes crop, livestock and price data to help farmers with planting decisions.
Agricultural Statistics
- Works with landowners to identify ways to develop and protect water resources.
N.C. Forest Service, Division of Soil and Water Conservation
- Provides assistance and advice through educational workshops and individual consultations.
N.C. Forest Service, Agronomic Services Division, Marketing Division
- Advocates for farming and forestry interests at the state and national levels.
- Operates four farmers markets throughout the state and supports other farmers markets with grants and marketing assistance.
Marketing Division