Oct 27, 2023
The N.C. Pesticide Board recently approved the following settlement agreements related to cases in Johnston, Lenior and New Hanover counties. Each instance involved application of restricted-use pesticides without a valid license.
Settlements are listed by county below:
- (Johnston) Jeffrey L. Short of Short Lawn Care in Angier agreed to pay $1,500 for applying a restricted-use pesticide more than three years after his applicator’s license expired.
- (Lenior) Jeffrey D. Crumpler of Crumpler’s Lawn Care and Landscaping in La Grange agreed to pay $1,200 because his employees made multiple commercial applications of pesticides without a license.
- (New Hanover) Derek A. Harman of Turf Tamers Lawn & Landscapes in Wilmington agreed to pay $800 for applying pesticides after failing to renew his license.