Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler inducted dairy farmers Ralph and Barbara Ross and longtime Western NC advocate L.T. Ward into the N.C. Mountain State Fair Livestock Hall of Fame during the fair’s opening weekend. These individuals were inducted for their longtime support to the fair and the livestock industry in Western North Carolina.
“We are fortunate to have many agricultural families that put their heart and soul into the livestock programs and the Mountain State Fair,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “Ralph and Barbara Ross and L.T. Ward are a big part of what makes these programs a success. I am honored to present them with this award and thank them for their support.”

Ralph and Barbara Ross of Ross Dairy of Waynesville has been supporting the livestock community in Western NC for more than half a century. “Over the years, hundreds of young people from 4-H camps, young farmer and ranchers, FFA groups and school groups have benefited from Ralph and Barbara and their dairy cattle,” said Troxler. “Many young people may not have been able to show dairy cattle had it not been for their generosity in sharing time and resources. They have been a part of the Mountain State Fair livestock shows as well as their own Haywood County Fair for decades.”
For more than 60 years Ralph and Barbara have managed Ross Dairy. Ralph as a dairy farmer and Barbara as the bookkeeper and homemaker. They have three children, Deana, Ferguson and Hank, six grandchildren and six great grandchildren plus another one due in January. The Ross children and grandchildren all grew up showing dairy cattle.
Ralph has served on the Haywood County Fair Board and Haywood County Planning Board. He also served on the Haywood County Farm Bureau Board of Directors. As a director he has represented Haywood County and the North Carolina State Dairy Advisory Committees. Both Ralph and Barbara have also served on many committees for Haywood County Farm Bureau. In 2001, they were named the Area 1 Soil and Water Conservation Family of the Year. In 2015, the Ross’ were honored with a tribute of service award for excellence in agriculture and service to agriculture in Haywood County.
“The Ross family has an attitude of service towards their community,’ said Troxler. “They are always willing to help with anything that needs to be done. Whether it is providing animals or hauling saw dust, they are there to support the livestock programs and youth.”

LT Ward, is a longtime board member of WNC Communities. ‘All of us in North Carolina, and especially western North Carolina owe a debt of gratitude to the lifelong work of LT in improving and growing agriculture in our state,” said Troxler. One of his biggest accomplishments has been his leadership in developing a plan for meeting the needs of livestock producers in Western North Carolina with the creation of the WNC Regional Livestock Center in Canton. Opened in 2011, sales have reached over $130 million with an economic impact to the region totaling over $150 million. With thousands of buyers and sellers using this facility, this center has an incredibly positive impact for livestock producers and family farms.
WNC Communities, with LT’s leadership, are custodians for the WNC Beef Cattle Commission and WNC Dairy Commission. For decades, these programs have supported Junior Beef and Junior Dairy Shows at the Mountain State Fair. It is with his continued support that the programs at the fair continue to grow and benefit countless youth.
“Anyone who knows LT will tell you that his driving mission in life has been to improve the quality of life in rural western North Carolina,” said Troxler. “He does this by making connections between nonprofits, government agencies, funding groups and businesses. So many organizations, including the WNC Ag Center and Mountain State Fair have benefited from his efforts. I have had the honor to work with LT on many projects over the years and admire his leadership and make-it-happen attitude.”