Veterinary - Certified Euthanasia Technician FAQS


In order to fully understand your duties & responsibilities as an approved Certified Euthanasia Technician trainer you must read the rules on euthanasia. A copy is found on our web site

Certified Euthanasia Technician

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"Certified Euthanasia Technician" (CET) means a person employed by a certified facility who has been instructed in the proper methods of humane euthanasia, security and record keeping. You must be employed by a public or private shelter licensed under the NC Animal Welfare Act, you must be at least 18 years of age and you cannot have been convicted of a felony or any infraction involving cruelty to animals.

You must complete an appliction, pass a background check, receive training from a certified instructor, pass a written test, & pass a practical examination. You may request an application packet by emailing the Animal Welfare Section (AWS) at or by US mail:

CET Application Packet
c/o Animal Welfare Section
1030 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-1030

The CET application may be submitted either before or after a CET class is completed.  Experience has shown that occasionally items are found in the background checks that prevent someone from becoming a CET. Though many people with certain types of convictions self-select and opt out of applying, not all do. Because there are occasional surprises many organizations prefer to have the background check completed before they pay for classroom training; however, this is not a state requirement.  Additionally, you will not be notified that your background check has been returned to the AWS unless there is an issue with the report that impacts CET certification.

An "Approved Certified Euthanasia Technician trainer" is a person or organization that received permission from the AWS to provide training to applicants or individuals seeking to be Certified Euthanasia Technicians. Approved trainers and their upcoming classes will be posted on our website Also on the website will be information that will allow you to directly contact the trainer to make arrangements to attend their class.

Costs will be determined by the approved instructor. Contact the instructor to determine if space is available in their class and how much training will cost.

No, certification is good for five years from the date you are issued your certificate by the AWS. You must pass a background check each time you apply to renew your certificate.

Certified Euthanasia Technician Renewal Certification

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The North Carolina Administrative Code requires that anyone euthanizing animals at a certified shelter be trained and approved as a Certified Euthanasia Technician. The certification is good for 5 years unless it is revoked or suspended. 

Every 5 years the CET must renew their certification if they wish to continue euthanizing animals at a certified shelter. The renewal process is similar to the original certification though there are differences. The Administrative Code states:


(a) Certifications may be renewed every five years provided that: (1) within the 12 months immediately preceding the application for certification renewal the Certified Euthanasia Technician has taken and passed a practical examination for each method of euthanasia for which they are seeking certification renewal; (2) the applicant receives up-to-date information about the method of euthanasia for which the applicant is seeking certification; and (3) the applicant receives training in stress management.

 (b) The applicant shall submit an application for certification renewal to the Animal Welfare Section. The application shall be on a form created by the Animal Welfare Section and shall include a document from an approved Certified Euthanasia Technician trainer establishing that the applicant has passed a practical examination in the specific euthanasia techniques for which he or she is seeking certification

Additionally, effective October 1, 2010 the General Assembly passed legislation that requires anyone wishing to be a CET to submit fingerprints and pass a background check:

NCGS 19A-24 Powers of Board of Agriculture. 

(c) Regardless of the extent to which the Board exercises its authority under subsection (b) of this section, the Department may deny, revoke, or suspend the certification of a euthanasia technician who has been convicted of or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to a felony involving the illegal use, possession, sale, manufacture, distribution, or transportation of a controlled substance, drug, or narcotic. 

(d) Persons seeking certification as euthanasia technicians, or a renewal of such certification, shall provide the Department a fingerprint card in a format acceptable to the Department, a form signed by the person consenting to a criminal record check and the use of the person's fingerprints, and such other identifying information as may be required by the State or national data banks. The Department may deny certification to persons who refuse to provide the fingerprint card or consent to the criminal background check. Fees required by the Department of Public Safety for conducting the criminal background check shall be collected by the Department and remitted to the Department of Public Safety along with the fingerprint card and consent form.

Yes, we will send you notification approximately 1 year before your certification expires. We will notify you again 6 months later if you have not renewed by that time.

Yes, we will send a copy of your notification to the shelter at which you are certified.

You may request an application packet by:

CET Application Packet
c/o Animal Welfare Section
1030 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1030

No, there is no charge for the application; however, the State Bureau of Investigation charges us for each background check. At this time the fingerprint/background check costs $38.00.

It depends, we cannot complete the renewal until we have your application, the signed Authorization form, a check to process the fingerprint card, notice from your trainer that you have successfully completed training and the background check is returned from the SBI.

It usually takes 1-2 weeks, although occasionally it takes longer. Plan accordingly.

We expect that those people that have trained previously may also provide re-certification training. Watch our website for details about upcoming classes.

The trainer will decide what is necessary to bring you up to date.

The term is not defined in the Administrative Code. Your trainer will decide what is necessary to ensure that you have received stress management training.

Yes. You will need a new background check each time you renew your certification.

The General Assembly passed legislation that requires a background check for each new or renewed certificate to euthanize animals at certified shelters.

No, we cannot. State statute does not allow us to accept background checks conducted by other organizations.

You will need to provide an authorization for fingerprinting from the Animal Welfare Section to the agency performing your fingerprinting. The AWS will email you this authorization once you have submitted a complete application packet including a signed and notarized application and 
a check for $38. Please make sure you include a valid email address on your application.

Approved Certified Euthanasia Technician Trainer

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"Approved Certified Euthanasia Technician Trainer" means a person or organization that received permission from the Animal Welfare Section (AWS) to provide training to applicants or individuals seeking to be Certified Euthanasia Technicians and has met the criteria pursuant to 02 NCAC 15J .0408.

You must apply to this Animal Welfare Section using a form found on our web site
There are requirements to become approved:

  • Certified Euthanasia Technician training shall be provided by the Animal Welfare Section or by companies or individuals meeting the following criteria: (1) be a NC licensed veterinarian that has euthanized dogs and cats; or (2) be a CET formerly or currently registered with the Animal Welfare Section that has a minimum of six months CET experiences.
  • Information taught shall conform to this Section and the guidelines set forth by the American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines on Euthanasia or the Humane Society of the United States.
  • Trainers shall disclose to their students and the Animal Welfare Section any affiliations with suppliers of equipment or supplies used in euthanasia.
  • The Animal Welfare Section may make unannounced audit of instruction and testing by trainers.
  • Prior to providing euthanasia training leading to certification as a Euthanasia Technician, the person or company shall obtain approval before each class for its training program from the Animal Welfare Section.

No, there is no fee or other charge from the Animal Welfare Section to become an approved trainer.

  • Classroom training.
  • The potential CET must pass a written test with at least 80% correct answers. The test is provided by the Animal Welfare Section.
  • The potential CET must take and pass a practicum on the Euthanasia by Injection (EBI) method of euthanasia.

  1. The theory and history of euthanasia methods and practice;
  2. Relevant animal anatomy;
  3. Proper animal restraint, handling and methods for controlling animal stress;
  4. Proper chemical agent dosages, record keeping and usage documentation, chemical agent, instrument and equipment storage, handling and disposal in accordance with rules and the Code of Federal Regulations;
  5. Proper injection techniques;
  6. Proper dosing for the specific route of administration for the Euthanasia by Injection;
  7. Proper and accurate verification of lack of pain perception;
  8. Proper and accurate verification of animal death;
  9. Proper record keeping including documentation of justification for intracardiac and for early euthanasia;
  10. Proper disposal of euthanized animals;
  11. Stress management for euthanasia personnel;
  12. Proper methods and techniques of euthanasia under extraordinary circumstances;
  13. Proper methods, techniques, and chemicals inducing anesthesia and sedation in animals prior to euthanasia; and
  14. Proper methods, techniques, and chemicals used in the practical examination section for Certified Euthanasia Technician.

The AWS will supply the test to the trainer shortly prior to the date of training.

The purpose of the CET process is to produce individuals that possess both the knowledge of euthanasia and can demonstrate proficiency in humanely euthanizing animals. The students should be taught the subject not the test.

The Administrative Code requires that every student be taught at least the items listed above; you may teach more and we hope that you do. The test may or may not include questions on each of the required subjects. Teaching to the test, not the subject short-changes the student and will almost certainly fail to produce the CET needed.


Yes, there are. Please see the relevant section of the Administrative Code that is posted on our web site

  • All prospective trainers (including co-trainers) must complete an application to be a certified euthanasia trainer and receive written permission from AWS.
  • The approved trainer must grade the tests and return all copies of the test and answer key to the AWS within 10 calendar days of administering the test.
  • The approved trainer must complete the Notification of Written Test Results and return it to the AWS within 10 calendar days of administering the test.
  • The approved trainer must complete the Notification of Practical Test Results and return it to the AWS within 10 calendar days of administering a practical test.

Approved trainers and their upcoming classes will be posted on our web site Information you provide to us will allow the students to contact you directly to make arrangements about obtaining a seat.

Yes, costs will be determined by the approved instructor. Contact the instructor to determine if space is available in his or her class and how much training will cost.

No, approval to provide training is good only for one training session. You will need to apply for each training session you wish to provide. Unless directed otherwise you will need to supply references only with the initial application.