Samples qualify for the In-State rate if they were collected in North Carolina.
Diagnostic Assay: Includes predictive assay for soil, plus extraction, identification and quantification of plant parasitic nematodes from plant material (e.g. roots, foliage, stems and seeds), and identification to the genus level. Note: Samples should include plant material; otherwise, a complete analysis may not be possible.
- In-State $3.00
- Out-of-State $13.00
Molecular Diagnosis: Standard assay plus species identification for regulated guava root knot nematode.
- In-State $23.00
- Out-of-State $33.00
Payment Methods
Reports are not released until paid in full.
- Check: Make checks payable to NCDA&CS.
- Credit card: Reports can be paid online via the customer report portal (PALS) by Visa or Mastercard during online submission or when analysis is complete. If you have trouble and need to pay over the phone, you can reach out to our accounting department at (919) 664-1600 Option 3.
- Escrow account: To set up or add funds to an escrow account with the Agronomic Division, please contact the accounting department at (919) 664-1600 Option 3.
This page was last modified on 01/10/2024