N.C. Forest Service - Buyers of Timber Products in North Carolina
Buyers of Timber Products in North Carolina is a database maintained by the N.C. Forest Service (NCFS) that contains information on North Carolina's primary wood-using industries -- manufacturers that purchase sawlogs, veneer logs, pulpwood and other roundwood products -- but is not intended to be an exhaustive listing of all statewide timber buyers. Primary processors can elect to "opt out" of the listing.
Many wood dealers that supply timber to the forest products industry, as well as some loggers that purchase timber, are also recorded in the database. These businesses must submit a completed questionnaire or initiate a request through their county, district or regional NCFS office in order to be added to the listing. The database includes company name, address, phone number, fax number and contact person, the kinds and species of timber purchased, as well as the counties in each company's procurement area. Customized queries from the database are available upon request.
NCFS field staff are responsible for providing changes and updates to the primary processor information on a quarterly basis; the reports available on the agency website are also updated on a quarterly schedule. Additions and changes for other types of timber buyers are also gathered through mail surveys, field staff updates and other sources. The NCFS welcomes information on updates and changes, especially address changes, which can be submitted any time, using our questionnaire or by contacting the NCFS Marketing & Utilization Forester, Barry New, at 919-857-4843.
Every year, the agency conducts a survey of the primary wood-using industries in the state in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station. This survey is conducted to determine the amount and source of wood receipts and annual timber product drain, by county, and to determine interstate and cross-regional movement of industrial roundwood. Only primary wood-using mills are included in this survey. Primary mills are those that process roundwood in log or bolt form or as chipped roundwood. Examples of industrial roundwood products are sawlogs, pulpwood, veneer logs, poles and logs used for composite board products.
Lists of Timber Buyers
(last updated 12/15/2023)
Individual County Lists
Use the map below to access a list of timber buyers for each county.
This page was last modified on 01/09/2025