N.C. Forest Service - Publications

The following publications are available free or for a nominal charge from most N.C. Forest Service offices. Almost all of the publications listed are produced by the N.C. Forest Service except where noted. The N.C. Forest Service distributes a wide variety of publications and educational items produced by the USDA Forest Service and other sources. Many of those items are not listed. For more information or to order, contact Christie Adams at (919) 857-4819.

Many publications are in Adobe Acrobat format (*.pdf) and can be viewed by downloading Adobe's free Acrobat Reader.

Tab/Accordion Items

  • Hurricane Helene Damage Assessment
    N.C. Forest Service personnel have completed an aerial forestland damage assessment in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The assessment is an estimate of damage to the timber resource. An estimated 822,000 acres of timberland received some level of damage during the storm, resulting in an estimated $214,000,000 of timber damage on all North Carolina forest lands.
  • 2025 N.C. Forest Service Wall Calendar
    Economic Benefits of North Carolina's Forests
  • IE0312 Clemmons Educational State Forest 
    Outlines educational programs and services available at Clemmons Educational State Forest (FREE)
  • IE0115 Common Forest Trees of North Carolina and How to Identify Them 
    Paperback tree identification booklet. Includes details on size, shape and other characteristics of each species. Includes black and white illustrations of tree leaves, twigs and fruit and range map. 102 pages. $1.00 (Order Publication)
  • IE0106 Holmes Educational State Forest
    Outlines educational programs and services available at Holmes Educational State Forest (FREE)
  • ESF0312 Jordan Lake Educational State Forest 
    Outlines educational programs and services available at Jordan Lake Educational State Forest (FREE)
  • IE0413 North Carolina's Educational State Forests 
  • NFES-92021 The True Story of Smokey Bear
    Comic book telling the story of the real-life Smokey Bear. English and Spanish versions available (FREE)
  • ESF0212 Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest 
    Outlines educational programs and services available at Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest (FREE)
  • ESF0113 Tuttle Educational State Forest (FREE)
    Outlines educational programs and services available at Tuttle Educational State Forest

Invasive Species Leaflets: Information sheets about invasive pests. These are print-on-demand publications and are not kept in stock. (FREE)

Forestry Leaflets: Information sheets on timely forestry topics. 
These leaflets are formatted for easy printing. We do not keep hard copies in stock. (FREE)

Shortleaf Leaflets: Leaflets concentrating on shortleaf pine. (FREE)

Technical Resource Bulletins:

These publications are reports on forestry research projects completed by the N.C. Forest Service or a summary of current knowledge on a forestry topic. They are technical in nature and written for professional foresters and land managers as well as savvy landowners with a more extensive forestry background. (FREE)

Water Quality Forestry Leaflets: A series of information sheets dealing with timely forestry water quality topics. (FREE)

Bottomland Swamp Forests

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This page was last modified on 02/26/2025