N.C. Forest Service - Publications
The following publications are available free or for a nominal charge from most N.C. Forest Service offices. Almost all of the publications listed are produced by the N.C. Forest Service except where noted. The N.C. Forest Service distributes a wide variety of publications and educational items produced by the USDA Forest Service and other sources. Many of those items are not listed. For more information or to order, contact Christie Adams at (919) 857-4819.
Many publications are in Adobe Acrobat format (*.pdf) and can be viewed by downloading Adobe's free Acrobat Reader.
- Hurricane Helene Damage Assessment
N.C. Forest Service personnel have completed an aerial forestland damage assessment in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The assessment is an estimate of damage to the timber resource. An estimated 822,000 acres of timberland received some level of damage during the storm, resulting in an estimated $214,000,000 of timber damage on all North Carolina forest lands. - 2025 N.C. Forest Service Wall Calendar
Economic Benefits of North Carolina's Forests - IE0312 Clemmons Educational State Forest
Outlines educational programs and services available at Clemmons Educational State Forest (FREE) - IE0115 Common Forest Trees of North Carolina and How to Identify Them
Paperback tree identification booklet. Includes details on size, shape and other characteristics of each species. Includes black and white illustrations of tree leaves, twigs and fruit and range map. 102 pages. $1.00 (Order Publication) - IE0106 Holmes Educational State Forest
Outlines educational programs and services available at Holmes Educational State Forest (FREE) - ESF0312 Jordan Lake Educational State Forest
Outlines educational programs and services available at Jordan Lake Educational State Forest (FREE) - IE0413 North Carolina's Educational State Forests
(FREE) - NFES-92021 The True Story of Smokey Bear
Comic book telling the story of the real-life Smokey Bear. English and Spanish versions available (FREE) - ESF0212 Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest
Outlines educational programs and services available at Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest (FREE) - ESF0113 Tuttle Educational State Forest (FREE)
Outlines educational programs and services available at Tuttle Educational State Forest
- ID0509 Spongy Moth (FREE)
- ID0409 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (FREE)
- ID0309 Oak Decline (FREE)
Invasive Species Leaflets: Information sheets about invasive pests. These are print-on-demand publications and are not kept in stock. (FREE)
- IS-01 Tree of Heaven
- IS-02 Chinese Privet
- IS-03 Multiflora Rose
- IS-04 Japanese Stilt Grass, Japanese Grass, Nepalese Browntop
- IS-05 Chinese Silvergrass
- IS-06 Common Reed
- IS-07 Oriental Bittersweet
- IS-08 Kudzu
- IS-09 Japanese Honeysuckle
- IS-10 Golden Bamboo, Fishpole Bamboo
- IS-11 Autumn Olive, Spring Silverberry
- IS-12 Johnson Grass
- IS-13 Mimosa
- IS-14 Princess Tree
- IS-15 Garlic Mustard
- IS-16 Sericea, Korean or Chinese Lespedeza
- IS-17 Shrub Lespedeza, Bicolor Lespedeza
- IS-18 Japanese Privet
- IS-19 English Ivy
- IS-20 Japanese and Chinese Wisteria
- The Forester's Field Handbook
A long-used and frequently revised reference guide for professional foresters and students of forestry. $7.50 (Order Publication) - Support Good Fires and Prevent Bad Ones
- Lightning-Season Burning Friend or Foe of Breeding Birds
- ST0113 Forest Stewardship
Brochure outlines benefits of the Forest Stewardship Program. (FREE) - Forestry Best Management Practices Manual (FREE)
- FM0113 Guide to Cost-share Assistance Requirements for Forestry Practices
Brochure on requirements for participation in cost-share programs - FM0115 Introduction to Longleaf Pine
Brochure about longleaf pine in North Carolina including the growth pattern, regeneration process and unique benefits of the species. ONLY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD (FREE) - FM0213 North Carolina Forest Development Program
Describes the state cost-share tree planting and forest improvement program. (FREE) - FM0313 Clearcutting Facts and Myths
Clarifying common misperceptions about the clearcutting of timber. (FREE) - WON-41 Practicing Forestry under Local Regulations
Woodland Owner Notes 41, from NCSU Extension Forestry. (FREE) - IE0114 What We Can Do For You
Print-on-demand information sheet with brief descriptions of programs and services available for landowners. (FREE) - WON-43 Zoning & Land Use Regulation of Forestry
Woodland Owner Notes 43, from NCSU Extension Forestry. (FREE)
Forestry Leaflets: Information sheets on timely forestry topics.
These leaflets are formatted for easy printing. We do not keep hard copies in stock. (FREE)
- FM-1 Glossary of Forest Management Terms
- FM-2 Selecting and Working with a Consulting Forester
- FM-3 Timber Sale Contract Considerations
- FM-4 Site Preparation Contract Considerations
- FM-5 Tree Planting Contract Considerations
- FM-6 Site Preparation to Regenerate Trees
- FM-6a Site Prep: Shearing-Piling or Raking-Piling
- FM-6b Site Prep: Drum Chopping
- FM-6c Site Prep: Bedding
- FM-7 Recommendations for Planting Tree Seedlings
- FM-8 Maintaining & Managing Your Loblolly Pine Plantation
- FM-9 Maintaining & Managing Your White Pine Plantation
- FM-10 Thinning Pine Stands
- FM-11 Benefits of Prescribed Burning
- FM-12 Loblolly Pine Performance Rating System (PRS)
- FM-13 Fertilizing Guidelines for Established Loblolly Pine Forest Stands
- FM-14 Protecting Soil Resources
- FM-15 Exotic, Non-native & Invasive Plants are a Problem
- FM-16 Guidelines for Collection and Movement of Seed and Seedlings of Hardwoods and Wetland Species for Planting in North Carolina
- FM-17 Managing and Regenerating Timber in Bottomland Swamps
- FM-18 Precommercial Thinning Contract Considerations
- FM-19 Using Herbicides for Managing Forests
- FM-20 Benefits of a Woodland Plan
- FM-21 Loblolly Pine Minimum Winter Temperature (MWT)
Longleaf Leaflets: Leaflets concentrating on longleaf pine. (FREE)
- LL-1 Introduction to Longleaf Pine
- LL-2 Longleaf Pine Forest - Superior Economic, Environmental & Historical Values
- LL-3 Longleaf Pine Site Suitability
- LL-4 Successfully Establishing Longleaf Pine
- LL-5 Natural Regeneration of Longleaf Pine
- LL-6 Managing Longleaf Pine Forests for Wildlife
- LL-7 The Economics of Longleaf Pine Management
- LL-8 Renovating Longleaf Pine Stands for Pine Straw Raking
- LL-9 Managing Pine Straw Production in North Carolina
- LL-10 Harvesting Pine Straw in Longleaf Pine Plantations
- LL-11 A Low Cost Pine Straw Box Baler
- LL-13 Natural Shift low conversion to longleaf
- LL-14 Managing pine straw stands to reduce tree stress.
Shortleaf Leaflets: Leaflets concentrating on shortleaf pine. (FREE)
Silvicultural Research in the News (FREE)
- SRN-1 Publication finds that prescribed burns reduces tick populations
- SRN-2 A recent study looks to determine the factors that affect sprouting of shortleaf pine after a fire
- SRN-3 Herbicides and Hardwood Management
- SRN-4 State of Bottomland Hardwoods in the Mid-Atlantic Region
- SRN-5 Forestry Herbicides: Site Prep versus Release?
- SRN-6 Longleaf Pine is Resilient in the Face of Hurricane Winds
- SRN-7 Summary of the Current State of Knowledge of Forest Fertilization in the Southeast
- SRN-8 How Many Trees To Plant? One Density Does NOT Fit All
- SRN-9 A Synopsis on Juvenile Wood in Southern Pines
- SRN-10 Are Lightning-Season Prescribed Burns for the Birds?
- SRN-11 Fire Effects on Wildlife In the Mountains
Technical Resource Bulletins:
These publications are reports on forestry research projects completed by the N.C. Forest Service or a summary of current knowledge on a forestry topic. They are technical in nature and written for professional foresters and land managers as well as savvy landowners with a more extensive forestry background. (FREE)
- TRB-001 – Fertilization on Established Loblolly Forest Stands
- TRB-002 – Managing Storm Damage to Southern Yellow Pine
- TRB-003 – Impacts from Harvests and Prescribed Burns to the Nutrient Cycle of Pine Plantations
- TRB-004 – Morphological Differences of Longleaf Pine Root Systems after Outplanting
- TRB-005 – The Effect of Planting Density on the Growth and Yield of Atlantic White-Cedar Eight Year Results
- TRB-006 – Effect of Planting Depth on the Survival and Height Growth of Container-Grown Longleaf Seedlings
- TRB-007 – Effects of Extended Cold Storage on the Survival and Performance of Container Grown Longleaf Seedlings
- TRB-008 – The Effects of Fall Planting on the Performance of Containerized Longleaf Pine Seedlings
- TRB-009 – Comparing the Growth of Longleaf and Loblolly Pine on Two Soil Types in North Carolina
- TRB-010 – Considering Long Term Drought When Prescribed Burning
- TRB-011 – Cold Weather Injury to Southern Yellow Pine Seedlings
- TRB-012 – Using Fire to Control Loblolly Pine in a Young Longleaf Stand
- TRB-013 – Factors that Influence Toppling of Longleaf Pine
- TRB-014 – An Evaluation of a Multi-species, Multi-product Planting System: Six Year Results
- TRB-015 – The Use of Hexazinone to Control Turkey Oak Competition in a Young Longleaf Plantation
- TRB-016 – An Evaluation of Longleaf Pine Cone Specific Gravity by Family
- Forest Tree Seedlings and How to Plant Them ONLY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD (FREE)
- 2024-2025 North Carolina Tree Seedling Catalog
Catalog and order form for superior tree seedlings available from N.C. Forest Service tree nurseries (FREE) - NU0112 Seedling Planting Standards ONLY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD
(FREE) - NU0212 Normas de siembra de plántulas ONLY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD
(FREE) - North Carolina Forest Service Tree Planting Pocket Guide ONLY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD
- IE0312 Clemmons Educational State Forest
Outlines educational programs and services available at Clemmons Educational State Forest. (FREE) - IE0106 Holmes Educational State Forest
Outlines educational programs and services available at Holmes Educational State Forest. (FREE) - ESF0312 Jordan Lake Educational State Forest
Outlines educational programs and services available at Jordan Lake Educational State Forest. (FREE) - IE0413 North Carolina's Educational State Forests (FREE)
- ESF0212 Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest
Outlines educational programs and services available at Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest. (FREE) - ESF0113 Tuttle Educational State Forest
Outlines educational programs and services available at Tuttle Educational State Forest. (FREE)
- UF0111 What is Green Infrastructure? (FREE)
- AG-696 Who is Responsible for the Trees?
Brochure from NCSU Extension Forestry. (FREE)
- Know Your Forest, Know Your Water (K-8 Educational Workbook)
- Water's Journey Through the Forest (FREE)
- Connecting Forests, Watersheds & Drinking Water: A Case Study in the High Rock Lake Watershed of North Carolina ONLY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD (FREE)
- WQ0314 Call Before You Cut Timber (FREE)
- WQ0114 Riparian/Wetland Tree Planting Pocket Guide (FREE)
- Forestry Best Management Practices Manual (FREE)
- WQ0214 A Guide for Forest Access Road Construction and Maintenance in the Southern Appalachian Mountain (FREE)
- WQ0111 Keeping Sediment in Check with BMPs: 2011 Report on Logging Activities in NC Snapshot
A brief overview of the Final Report for the NC Forestry Best Management Practices Implementation Survey, 2006-2008. (FREE) - WQ0115 Managing Forests for Water PRINT-ON-DEMAND
A guide to developing a forest watershed management plan - Small-Scale Solutions to Eroding Streambanks
A guide to reducing stormwater erosion on urban streambanks. ONLY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD (FREE) - UF0115 Healthy Forests for Clean Water ONLY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD (FREE)
Water Quality Forestry Leaflets: A series of information sheets dealing with timely forestry water quality topics. (FREE)
- WQ1 Forest Practices Guidelines Related to Water Quality
- WQ2 Preventing and Controlling Runoff, Erosion & Sedimentation
- WQ3 Protecting Water Quality at Stream Crossings
- WQ4 Explaining Streamside Management Zones
- WQ5 Decoding the Language of Water Quality
- WQ10 A Guide to the Forest Harvest Requirements of the Consolidated Riparian Buffer Rule for Catawba, Randleman, Neuse and Tar-Pamlico: 15A NCAC 02B .0612. PRINT-ON-DEMAND
- WQ11 A Guide to the Forest Harvest Requirements of the Goose Creek Watershed Riparian Buffer Rule: 15A NCAC 02B .0608. PRINT-ON-DEMAND
- WQ12 A Guide to the Forest Harvest Requirements of the Jordan Lake Watershed Riparian Buffer Rule: 15A NCAC 02B .0267. PRINT-ON-DEMAND
Bottomland Swamp Forests
- BF-1 Understanding North Carolina's Bottomland Swamp Forests
- BF-2 Natural Reforestation in Cypress-Tupelo Swamps
- BF-3 Planting Cypress and Tupelo Seedlings for Reforestation in Deep Swamps
- BF-4 Harvesting Timber Using the Shovel-Mat Logging Method
- BF-5 Understanding Turbidity as it Relates to Logging in Swamps and Bottomland Areas of North Carolina
This page was last modified on 02/26/2025